Zoller »smileCompact«
An efficient tool management solution offering maximum services in the entry-level price segment. Operator-independent, it provides precise results for standard measurements with a single click
ZOLLER »smile«
An essential tool for machining companies, ZOLLER »smile« offers high-quality, precise, and comfortable tool presetting and measurement, ensuring efficient production
Premium Presetting and Measuring Machine »venturion«
The »venturion« tool presetter offers unmatched precision and flexibility. With a modular design, robust build, and user-friendly interface, it's the ideal choice for accurate tool measurements
High-Precision Tool Presetting with »hyperion« for Enhanced Productivity
Experience increased productivity with the versatile »hyperion« tool presetting and measuring machine. Its flexibility, user-friendly interface, and stability make it the essential allrounder for turning tools
ZOLLER »redomatic« - Precision Tool Presetting and Heat-Shrinking System
The ZOLLER »redomatic« combines tool presetting and heat-shrinking into a seamless, efficient process, offering precision, energy savings, and ease of use for optimal tool management
ZOLLER »powerShrink« - Efficient Heat Shrink System for Toolholders
Increase production efficiency with ZOLLER »powerShrink« – a smart, energy-saving heat shrink system that offers precision and long-term savings. Smart progress in tool management
Effortless Tool Balancing with »toolBalancer« - Maximum Precision and Efficiency
Achieve precise tool balancing effortlessly, thanks to ergonomic design, intuitive software, and advanced sensor technology. Enhance productivity and minimize tool wear.
ZOLLER Special Solutions - Special Measurement Solutions for Tools
Specialized solutions for precise and safe tool measurement and balancing
Measuring Machine »genius« - Universal tool measurement for precision and efficiency
Achieve precision and efficiency with this universal tool measurement solution. From quick checks to complete inspections, it simplifies work preparation and ensures quality, saving time and preventing rework
Zoller »smartCheck« - Universal Measuring Machine for Efficient Tool Inspection and Documentation
Enhance tool precision effortlessly with smartCheck. Automate inspection, measure axial and radial geometries, and boost CNC grinding productivity by at least 25%
Zoller »sawCheck« Precision Measurement for Saw Blades, Efficient and Accurate
Ensure precision in saw blade manufacturing with sawCheck. A user-independent, touchless solution for measuring tooth by tooth, providing efficient and accurate results, including extensive recording of measurements
»hobCheck« Automated Precision Measurement for Hob Cutters, Efficient and Comprehensive
Revolutionize hob cutter control with hobCheck. Fully automatic, distortion-free measurement, over 15 parameters, intuitive software, and comprehensive documentation. The quantum leap in precision tool inspection
Zoller Tool Management: Plan, Track, and Optimize Your Tools Efficiently
Efficient tool management system for complete tools, components, and tooling sheets. Simulate and plan with CAM interfaces, smart storage, easy data import, and just-in-time ordering. Scalable solutions for growth
Zoller »roboSet 2/threadCheck« Fully automated tool control for efficient precision
Fully automated tool control solution with efficient, reliable, and precise performance. Compact design, high-performance capabilities, and intelligent features ensure 100% control and recording, enhancing overall operational efficiency
Collaborative Robot Assistant »cora« streamlines tool handling for efficiency
Enhance tool handling efficiency with the »cora« collaborative robot assistant. Automate tasks such as assembly, measurement, cleaning, and labeling, freeing up human resources for additional processes
Zoller »roboSet/venturion« ensures high-throughput, accurate tool measurement
Achieve high-precision tool measurements with »roboSet/venturion«, providing seamless automation for continuous, detailed tool assessment, even handling complex measuring tasks with a guaranteed 100% check
ZOLLER Tooling Solutions: Precision, Efficiency, Sustainability for Machining Processes
Offers precise tool identification and management, enhancing machining accuracy and process efficiency with durable, high-performance holders
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Ziua Calității ZEISS 2024 | 21 Noiembrie 2024
Vă invităm la un nou eveniment anual exclusiv în care vom prezenta pentru a treia oară soluții de asigurare a calității împreună cu partenerul nostru ZEISS. Explorați împreună cu noi lumea metrologiei industriale ZEISS..
INDUSTRY EXPO Arad | 31.10.2024
Și în acest an ne revedem la târgul Industry Expo & B2B Meeting Arad în data de 31.10.2024, începând cu ora 09:00. Suntem nerăbdători să împărtășim păreri și să găsim soluții pentru problemele cu care vă confruntați în procesul de producție.
Workshop Practic - Tehnologii inovative de prelucrare pentru reducerea costurilor de producție
Acest eveniment promite să fie o ocazie excelentă pentru a descoperi cele mai noi tehnici și metode de prelucrare care pot contribui seminificativ la cresterea productivității și la reducerea costurilor de producție.
ZEISS - Soluții complete de inspecție și scanare 3D | 05.09.2024
Avem deosebita plăcere de a vă invita la un eveniment special dedicat măsurării și scanării 3D cu tehnologiile ZEISS, care va avea loc pentru prima dată în Iași