Premium Tool Presetter and Measuring Machine »venturion«: Precision at Its Best



  • Versatile and adaptable
  • Easily connects with existing production systems
  • Offers exceptional flexibility
  • Modular design allows for customized configuration to suit individual production needs
  • User-friendly interface requires minimal training
  • Provides fast and accurate results
  • Equipped with powerful optics and "pilot" image processing
  • Built to withstand shop floor conditions with a robust design and appropriate alloy
  • Ensures reliability
  • Features intelligent software and adheres to strict safety standards
  • Ergonomically designed for user comfort
  • Displays a mature and functional design
  • Highly efficient
  • Offers premium quality with an excellent price-performance ratio

Modern and feature-rich design: Comprehensive software for tool measurement »pilot 4.0«

    • Visually appealing, intuitive user interface
    • Easy access to all features
    • Spacious click and touch areas
    • Intuitive function keys
    • Automated cutting edge recognition
    • Automatic zero point monitoring
    • Clear and precise display of cutting edges
    • Management of tools and adapters
    • Tool identification
    • Generation of test reports
    • Data transfer to machine tools and external systems
    • Numerous additional functions and options


Manual Precision Adjustment Hand

Operated wheels make it easy to finely adjust the X and Z axes, especially for tool inspection

Automatic Focusing for »pilot«

By utilizing CNC controls for the spindle (C-axis), the cutting tool edges on multi-insert cutters are automatically approached and focused. This ensures measuring results that are independent of the user

Accurate Angle Measurement

The rotation sensor automatically positions the C-axis to the target angle, ensuring precise measurement of spiral angles, divisions, and wobble compensation

Measuring Center Height

Precisely measuring the center height of rotation increases tool longevity, reducing tool expenses. This also reduces setup times, minimizes rejects, and enhances workpiece quality

Tool Inspection

For axial and radial inspection and testing of radii, angles, distances, and wear and tear in incident light, with a 50-times magnification of the cutting tool edge

»zidCode« with labels

Using »zidCode,« data is efficiently printed on labels and can be directly scanned into the CNC machine control. This ensures error-free data transmission

Manual tool identification

It involves manually moving the read/write head over the RFID chip located on the tool holder, allowing for reading and writing of data to the chip

Data Transfer


An efficient solution for tool identification and data transfer


Efficient method for tool identification and data transfer

Post Processor

Data output formatted for compatibility with a controller-ready DNC system


Code Secure, rapid, and error-free data transfer guaranteed to your CNC machine


Csm Venturion Presetting Measuring Machine Folientastatur User Zoller 17d142bee1
Csm Venturion Presetting Measuring Machine Top View2 Zoller 58654450c5
Csm Venturion Presetting Measuring Machine Monitor Zoller 9eb8fb520b
Csm Venturion Tool Presetting and Measuring Machine Zoller 2ab9f73103
Csm Venturion Presetting Measuring Machine Ergonomics Zoller B4e4a60e2e

Technical Data

  Measuring range Z Measuring range X Max. tool Ø Snap gage Ø
»venturion 450« 450 / 620 / 820 mm 210 / 310 mm 420 / 620 mm 100 mm
»venturion 600« 600 / 800 / 1.000 mm 300 / 400 mm 600 / 800 mm 200 / 100 mm
»venturion 800« 600 / 800 / 1.000 / 1200 / 1400 / 1600 mm 500 / 600 mm 1000 / 1200 mm 200 / 0 mm


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