Collaborative Robot Assistant »cora« streamlines tool handling for efficiency


Experience a fully automated toolroom with »cora«. This collaborative robotic assistant seamlessly aids humans in various standard tasks for automated tool preparation. Tasks include picking, assembling, clamping, cleaning, and labeling tools entirely autonomously.

The gripper ensures a secure hold on a diverse range of complete tools and various tool holders, placing them in presetting and measuring machines, Smart Cabinets, or tool carts.

By connecting to the central tool database z.One and the ZOLLER TMS Tool Management Solutions software, »cora« accurately locates each tool and component. 

Here's an illustrative example: »cora« can autonomously open the »keeper« tool cabinet, extract the prepared complete tool, place it in the presetting and measuring machine, and initiate the measurement process with minimal programming effort. After opening or closing, it smoothly swivels by 90°, avoiding interference with tool handling.


Cora Zoller Detail
Csm Cora Greifer01 Zoller Detail 33f9707c41
Csm Cora Greifer02 Zoller Detail 68731153fc
Csm Cora Greifer Zoller Detail 8b342193c8
Csm Cora Kollabrativer Roboter Zoller 7036f360f0
Csm Cora Sockel Zoller Detail 9954cf36ca


Efficient: Measure tools during production.

Economical: Transfer standard tasks to the robot, allowing employees to handle additional processes simultaneously.

Networked: Connect with ZOLLER products and other systems through the central tool database.

Reliable: Ensure smooth processes in tool handling, including assembly, adjustment, measurement, cleaning, or marking.

Reliable planning: Achieve extremely high predictability

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