Zoller »smartCheck«  Universal Measuring Machine for Efficient Tool Inspection and Documentation



Measure, inspect, and record with the universal measuring machine for all cutting tools.


The precision camera swivels with incident light image processing and segmented LED illumination to inspect axial and radial geometries on tools.


Ensure substantial documentation through automatic generation, saving, and output of inspection reports.


Utilize "pilot 3.0" image processing technology with comprehensive software functions and integrated measuring programs for inspecting and measuring tools.


Achieve simple and repeatable inspection, measuring, and documentation with just a mouse click.


Csm Smart Check Inspection Measuring Detail 2 F365c0e149
Csm Smart Check Inspection Measuring Detail 2 Tool F539e6ffc9
Csm Smart Check Inspection Measuring Detail User Aaa53e3093
Csm Smart Check Inspection Measuring Lasso Screen E900745455
Csm Smart Check Inspection Measuring Metis Screens Zoller 99d1f4fc13
Csm Smart Check Inspection Measuring Schleifscheiben 4e15d81f94
Csm Smart Check Inspection Measuring Zoller E88c2dded7


»pilot 4.0«

Boasts a visually engaging and intuitive user interface

  • All functions are readily accessible
  • Features large clickable and touch-friendly areas
  • Utilizes a photorealistic input interface
  • Dynamic crosshairs for user guidance Intuitive function keys
  • Automated recognition of cutting-edge shapes
  • Automatic monitoring of the zero-point 
  • Provides a clear and precise display and inspection of cutting edges
  • Manages tools and adapters
  • Facilitates tool identification
  • Generates test reports 
  • Supports data transfer to the machine tool and interfaces with external systems

Technical Data

  Measuring range Z Measuring range X Ø Snap gage Ø
»smartCheck 450« 450 / 600 / 800 mm 175 mm 350 mm 35 mm
»smartCheck 600« 600 / 800 / 1000 mm 175 mm 370 mm 80 mm
»smartCheck 800« 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 mm 500 mm 900 mm 300 mm


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