»smileCompact« Presetting and Measuring Machine: Efficient Tool Management Solution



  • Efficient with a broad range of services at entry-level prices.
  • Long machine lifespan with premium brand components.
  • Simple operation with ZOLLER's image processing on a 13" Panel PC.
  • Quick, one-click standard measurements.
  • Space-saving tabletop design.
  • Flexible placement options near CNC machines or in manufacturing areas.
  • User-friendly membrane keypad for spindle clamping and indexing
  Measuring range Z Measuring range X Diameter Snap gage Ø
»smileCompact« 350 mm 160 mm 320 mm 0 mm


Compact-Class: Unprecedented range of services in the entry-level price segment. That's what ZOLLER presetting and measuring machines have been delivering from the start. Now it's available "to go" with ZOLLER »smileCompact«. Ideal for standard tools, designed for the needs of medium-sized and small batch sizes. Robust, space-saving, and adaptable, it can be placed right next to the CNC machine, on the shop floor, or in production islands.

It comes equipped with the best brand-name components and the new ZOLLER image processing software »pilotStarter« for convenient operator-independent use. »pilotStarter« offers standard measurements like length, cross-dimension, radius, angle, concentricity, and axial runout with a single click. The tool's cutting edge is displayed clearly on the vertical 13-inch panel PC. You get precise results immediately, without any training required. In summary, the new »smileCompact« is the perfect entry point into the world of ZOLLER


Csm Smile Compact Sk50 High Precision Spindle Zoller 2
Csm Smile Compact Table Tool Presetting and Measuring Machine Zoller 1
Csm Smile Compact User Touch Presetting Measuring Machine Zoller 3


The "elephant" measuring program assistant simplifies the measurement of a wide range of parameters for various types of tools, requiring no specific training or prior knowledge

Software feature for identifying and measuring the maximum contour of all cutting edges of a tool

Projector function and inspection of cutting edges for quality assessment of the cutting tool edge

Documents and Certifications

78.1 kB
690 kB
735 kB

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