Standarde stricte de calitate și siguranță
What sets us apart:
We understand the complexity of 3D measurements and the importance of accuracy in the certification process, so we have adopted these standards as an integral part of our work approach.
We have a dedicated and highly trained team in the field of dimensional quality control. The experience and competence of our team allow us to provide indisputable dimensional results.
To ensure the most accurate and reliable measurements, we employ the most advanced technologies available in the field.
We are committed to adhering to all legal requirements and advanced regulations governing this field. This ensures that your products are in compliance with all regulatory requirements.
We provide detailed and clear reporting to demonstrate product compliance and offer you clear information, enabling you to make informed decisions.
We adapt to the specific needs of each client to offer customized solutions.
We promise to seek continuous improvements in our processes and technologies to maintain the highest level of quality and accuracy.
Dimensional control of the product for PPAP, FAI, SPC processes.
Contact us today to discuss how we can contribute to the success of your projects!
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Ziua Calității ZEISS 2024 | 21 Noiembrie 2024
Vă invităm la un nou eveniment anual exclusiv în care vom prezenta pentru a treia oară soluții de asigurare a calității împreună cu partenerul nostru ZEISS. Explorați împreună cu noi lumea metrologiei industriale ZEISS..
INDUSTRY EXPO Arad | 31.10.2024
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ZEISS - Soluții complete de inspecție și scanare 3D | 05.09.2024
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