Zoller »hobCheck« Automated Precision Measurement for Hob Cutters, Efficient and Comprehensive


The Revolutionary Advancement in Comprehensive Hob Cutter Management The 'hobCheck' introduces unprecedented possibilities for fully automated, efficient, and comprehensive measurement of milling cutters, even those of significant sizes.

Utilizing transmitted light image processing, incident light camera, and a measuring sensor, it measures over 15 parameters, including tooth profile, concentricity, wobble, pitch, shape, and position. The analysis of over 200 measured values, quality class calculation, and graphical recording are fully automated. Moreover, 'hobCheck' provides a convenient evaluation of wear and tear on the tooth head for regrinding. 'hobCheck' comes with unique analysis software. ZOLLER mechanics—precise, ergonomic, reliable. The ZOLLER 'pilot' image processing software—quick, intuitive, and unmatched in the industry


Efficient: Tooth-by-tooth, fully automated measurement of hard metal or HSS milling cutters.

Extensive: Complete automatic measurement according to DIN 3968 standards.

Distortion-free: CNC-controlled, swiveling optical carrier for accurate tooth form measurement.

Fully automatic: Intelligent integration of image processing, CNC axes, and measuring sensor.

Robust: Smooth documentation of extensive measurements following DIN 3968 guidelines.

User-friendly: Software with an intuitive graphical interface for effortless creation, comprehensive measurement, or re-measurement of individual parameters


»pilot 4.0«

Boasts a visually engaging and intuitive user interface

  • All functions are readily accessible
  • Features large clickable and touch-friendly areas
  • Utilizes a photorealistic input interface
  • Dynamic crosshairs for user guidance Intuitive function keys
  • Automated recognition of cutting-edge shapes
  • Automatic monitoring of the zero-point 
  • Provides a clear and precise display and inspection of cutting edges
  • Manages tools and adapters
  • Facilitates tool identification
  • Generates test reports 
  • Supports data transfer to the machine tool and interfaces with external systems


Csm Hob Check Electronic Measuring Sensor Zoller E3e29b887d
Csm Hob Check Optik Carrier Hob Zoller D1659cae45
Csm Hob Check Optik Carrier Zoller F6b5bd0ab6
Csm Hobcheck Schwenkbar Zoller 86f513c64a
Csm Hob Check Image Processing Zoller 440ae4893c
Csm Hob Check Universal Measuring Machine 088da637df

Technical Data

  Measuring range Z Measuring range Y Measurable external Ø Snap gage Ø Max. measurement depth button Max. measuring length face Max. tool weight CNC-controlled optic carrier swivel device range Tool lengths tailstock
»hobCheck« 540 mm 40 mm 360 mm 60 mm 30 mm 300 mm 100 kg ± 30° 100 - 600 mm (Option)


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user report
269 kB

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