ZOLLER Tooling Solutions: Precision, Efficiency, Sustainability for Machining Processes

Sustainability and Cost-Efficiency: The way to the future

Advocating for Intelligent Solutions, our ZOLLER tool holders come equipped with an »idChip« and, upon request, a DataMatrix code, ensuring each tool holder is unmistakably identifiable at any moment. 

This feature grants access to extensive details, including the count of thermal cycles and machine usage, among others. The precision finish on critical parts like the precisely machined clamping shoulders and slots ensures durability and exceptional accuracy in your machining tasks.

Comprehensive Solutions Under One Roof

 ZOLLER consistently leads in innovating products that shape the future. This longstanding principle extends beyond our measuring devices. Ready yourself for the digital demands of tomorrow and gear up for the forthcoming Smart Factory era with ZOLLER Tooling Solutions.

Streamlined Manufacturing with ZOLLER Solutions

Take advantage of ZOLLER Tooling Solutions throughout your manufacturing workflow. Our comprehensive suite includes top-tier, precise measuring systems tailored for every aspect of your machining operations. ZOLLER Tooling Solutions act as an ideal bridge to digitalized production.

Types Holders

More Than 2000 Expert-Level Holders Available. ZOLLER Tooling Solutions presents an extensive selection of tool holders to meet any need within your machining workflow. Each holder surpasses the DIN standards in quality consistently.

Collet Chuck

Combi shell mill holder

Drill chuck

Endmill holder Weldon

Endmill holder whistle-notch

ER collet

Hawk Eye

Morse Tapper Adapter

Shell mill holder

Shrink fit extension

Shrink fit holder

Thread shank adapter


Learn more about Zoller tooling solutions

Zoller Website

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