Walter Machines Helitronic Power 400 Grinding Machine 680x363

Grinding Machines for Cutting Tools WALTER

HELITRONIC RAPTOR - Efficient tool grinding in a compact machine

HELITRONIC RAPTOR - Efficient tool grinding in a compact machine

The HELITRONIC RAPTOR is a compact tool grinding machine for precision tool production and regrinding, featuring a gantry design and versatile grinding capabilities

HELITRONIC G 200 - Compact, Accurate, Reliable Tool Grinding Machine

HELITRONIC G 200 - Compact, Accurate, Reliable Tool Grinding Machine

The HELITRONIC G 200 tool grinding machine offers precise tool production and re-sharpening. Its compact design, C-frame construction, and belt-driven spindle ensure accuracy and efficiency

Walter HELITRONIC MINI PLUS: Flexible, Compact Tool Grinding and Resharpening Machine

Walter HELITRONIC MINI PLUS: Flexible, Compact Tool Grinding and Resharpening Machine

Featuring C.O.R.E.-Technology for efficient small and medium tool diameter production and resharpening, with various loading systems and customizable efficiency options for optimal floor space utilization.

Walter COMPACT LINE: Advanced CNC Tool Grinder for Precision Insert Manufacturing

Walter COMPACT LINE: Advanced CNC Tool Grinder for Precision Insert Manufacturing

Features six CNC axes for indexable insert production, including burring, milling, lathing, and profile plates. Offers various clamping systems and plug & play interface for flexible tooling and efficient small batch production.

Walter HELITRONIC RAPTOR DIAMOND: Entry-Level Erosion and Grinding Machine Solution

Walter HELITRONIC RAPTOR DIAMOND: Entry-Level Erosion and Grinding Machine Solution

Cost-effective, performance-efficient machine for eroding PCD and CBN tools, grinding HSS and carbide tools. Supports large tool diameters, with a small footprint for flexible use.

Walter HELITRONIC POWER 400: Flexible, High-Quality Medium-Large Series Tool Grinding

Walter HELITRONIC POWER 400: Flexible, High-Quality Medium-Large Series Tool Grinding

Powerful tool grinding machine for medium to large series, offering maximum flexibility. Top quality production and resharpening of rotationally symmetrical tools, handling up to 50 kg.

Walter HELITRONIC MICRO: High-Precision Tool Grinding for Small Diameters

Walter HELITRONIC MICRO: High-Precision Tool Grinding for Small Diameters

Employs C.O.R.E.-Technology for precision grinding of small-diameter tools. Ideal for both production and resharpening, handling diameters from 0.1 to 12.7 mm, tool length up to 220 mm, and weight up to 12 kg.

WALTER HELITRONIC VISION 400 L: High-Precision Tool Grinding Machine

WALTER HELITRONIC VISION 400 L: High-Precision Tool Grinding Machine

Employs C.O.R.E.-Technology for producing rotationally symmetrical tools and complex parts with high precision. Handles diameters of 3 to 315 mm, lengths up to 420 mm, and weights up to 50 kg.

Walter HELITRONIC DIAMOND EVOLUTION: Efficient Eroding and Grinding in One Machine

Walter HELITRONIC DIAMOND EVOLUTION: Efficient Eroding and Grinding in One Machine

Efficiently erodes PKD/CBN material tools and grinds high speed steel/carbide tools in one clamping cycle, with a minimal footprint. Handles tools up to 165 mm in diameter.

Walter HELITRONIC POWER DIAMOND 400: Versatile Eroding and Grinding Machine

Walter HELITRONIC POWER DIAMOND 400: Versatile Eroding and Grinding Machine

Erodes PCD/CBN materials and grinds high-speed steel/carbide. Handles tools 3-380 mm in diameter, up to 520 mm length, and 50 kg weight.

Walter HELITRONIC VISION DIAMOND 400 L: High-End Erosion and Grinding Machine

Walter HELITRONIC VISION DIAMOND 400 L: High-End Erosion and Grinding Machine

Advanced with C.O.R.E.-Technology for eroding PCD/CBN materials and grinding high-speed steel/carbide. Accommodates tools up to 315 mm in diameter, 420 mm length, and 50 kg weight.

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INDUSTRY EXPO Arad | 31.10.2024

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Workshop Practic - Tehnologii inovative de prelucrare pentru reducerea costurilor de producție

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ZEISS - Soluții complete de inspecție și scanare 3D | 05.09.2024

Avem deosebita plăcere de a vă invita la un eveniment special dedicat măsurării și scanării 3D cu tehnologiile ZEISS, care va avea loc pentru prima dată în Iași

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