Walter HELITRONIC MINI PLUS: Flexible, Compact Tool Grinding and Resharpening Machine



The HELITRONIC MINI PLUS, equipped with C.O.R.E.-Technology, introduces our latest innovation in tool grinding and resharpening for small to medium-sized tool diameters. This machine boasts a variety of loading systems and efficiency enhancements, making it adaptable for both present and future needs. Its streamlined design ensures maximum production floor space efficiency.


Two-Ended Belt-Driven Spindle Configuration

 This dynamic two-ended belt-driven spindle, capable of accommodating up to six grinding wheels, boasts a maximum peak power of 9 kW. The HELITRONIC MINI PLUS, in this setup, efficiently manufactures both complex and standard tool shapes in medium-sized batches, necessitating an automation option. Grinding wheel sets and their corresponding data are specifically assigned to each spindle end.

Laser Contour Check Feature

The innovative Laser Contour Check feature introduces an intelligent, integrated measuring system within the tool grinding and eroding machine. It enables highly accurate, non-contact measurement of different tool parameters on cylindrical tools.

Torque Enhancement Feature (Specific to Machines with Grinding Wheel Changer)

The Torque Enhancement Feature specifically for machines equipped with a grinding wheel changer, boosts the torque and consequently the material removal rate at the HELITRONIC MINI PLUS spindle by about 60% over the standard, achieving speeds up to 7,800 RPM. This enhancement enables the machining of tools up to 25 mm in diameter without altering the dimensions of the grinding wheel packs.

Six-Slot Automatic Grinding Wheel Changer (Optional)

This cost-effective, compact, and flexible option supports up to 6 grinding wheel packs, each containing 3 grinding wheels. The maximum diameter for a grinding wheel is 152.4 mm. Integrated coolant supply with the grinding wheel set ensures a secure swap of the grinding wheel set and optimal cooling for the HELITRONIC MINI PLUS.

Robot Loader Automation Feature

Enhancing workpiece accessibility and enabling special applications, the robot loader for the HELITRONIC MINI PLUS significantly reduces setup times through automatic teaching. It can load up to 7,500 workpieces based on their type or diameter, with a maximum weight of 5 kg and a diameter up to 125 mm.

Top Loader Automation Solution

This compact and cost-effective automation solution is seamlessly integrated into the HELITRONIC MINI PLUS machine envelope. It facilitates rapid setup through automatic teaching. Based on the tool diameter, the Top loader can accommodate up to 500 tools.

Technical Data

Linear Axes
Max. Travel X 320 mm
Max. Travel Y 200 mm
Max. Travel Z 470 mm
Spindle Drive
Max. Grinding Wheel Diameter 150 mm
Workpiece Data
Workpiece Length 255 mm
Workpiece Diameter 1 (3) - 16 (100) mm
Max. Workpiece Weight 30 kg


Brosura Mini Plus
9.45 MB
Walter energy saving
72.2 kB

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