ZEISS Visioner 1: Revolutionary microscope with real-time all-in-focus MALS™ technology

ZEISS Visioner 1

A groundbreaking digital microscope powered by MALS™ technology, delivering real-time, all-in-focus optical inspections

Traditional inspection systems often suffer from limited focus depths, leading to overlooked features, user strain, and incomplete analyses. The Visioner 1, with its innovative Micro-mirror Array Lens System, guarantees focused imaging in every instance


Real-time Extended Depth of Field

Allows merging multiple focal plane images into a singular sharp image. Traditional microscopy can be laborious and intricate. With ZEISS Visioner 1, users experience an immediate, full-focused view without resorting to Z-Stacking or post-processing. This instant clarity is a testament to its distinct Micro-mirror Array Lens System (MALS™) technology


Revolutionizing optical standards with the Micro-mirror Array Lens System

MALS™ system allows focused inspection for height variations up to 69 mm without Z-stacking or refocusing. By adjusting each micro-mirror's orientation, "virtual" lenses with unique curvatures and focus planes are created, allowing swift focusing and instantaneous all-in-focus imaging

Powered by MALS™ technology

  • Provides up to 100x enhanced Extended Depth of Field.
  • Capable of handling height variances of up to 69mm*.
  • Features a reflective micro-mirror array designed in a flat layout with adjustable curvatures.
  • Individual micro-mirrors measure around 100x100 µm.
  • Each micro-mirror adjusts its position to create varying optical surfaces.
  • Eliminates the requirement for Z-stacking and refocusing

Swift 3D visualization paired with detailed documentation

ZEISS Visioner 1 streamlines both imaging and documentation, while its real-time EDoF accelerates component inspection, ensuring improved productivity


Enhancing your experience

With ergonomic design, eliminate eyepiece strain and boost efficiency, focusing your hands on inspection rather than constant microscope adjustments. The real-time, all-in-focus display on one screen makes inspections feel intuitive and as natural as a sensory extension


Bulb Traditional Microscope

Traditional Microscope

Bulb Zeiss Visioner1

Inspected by ZEISS Visioner 1

Burr Hole Traditional Microscope

Traditional Microscope

Burr Hole Zeiss Visioner1

Inspected by ZEISS Visioner 1

Elec Traditional Microscope

Traditional Microscope

Elec Zeiss Visioner1 Scale

Inspected by ZEISS Visioner 1

Documents and brochures

Application Note Visioner 1 Blade Inspection
2.28 MB
ZEISS Visioner 1 Brochure EN
5.99 MB
ZEISS Visioner 1 Poster, EN
1.12 MB

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