ZEISS Reverse Engineering: Turning 3D scans into CAD models effortlessly

Transform 3D scans into CAD designs with ZEISS Reverse Engineering

Need a user-friendly reverse engineering tool? ZEISS Reverse Engineering elevates your data. Use GOM Inspect or other software, import formats like STL, PLY, and ASCII, and quickly achieve a precise CAD model exportable in formats like IGES, STEP, or SAT. Make your reverse engineering journey swift and straightforward

A powerful software for reverse engineering

Step-by-step process

With ZEISS Reverse Engineering, creating CAD models from scan data, like polygon meshes or point clouds, is straightforward, guiding you at every stage.

Utmost Precision

ZEISS Reverse Engineering provides CAD surfaces with unmatched accuracy, crucial for crafting plastic components demanding high precision

Efficient features

Refine your data using tools like hole-filling and flattening, then move forward with dynamic best-fit or extrusion features

Get your CAD design, regardless of its form

Geometric Components

Need to work with geometric shapes? Import your mesh into ZEISS Reverse Engineering to craft, merge, isolate, and tweak. Maintain complete command and achieve your desired outcome.

Complex Surfaces

ZEISS Reverse Engineering provides tools for perfect precision on intricate surfaces. For mesh conversion, employ the 'Surface Approximation to Points' method. The software then leads you through the entire procedure to your finalized design.

Natural Forms

Looking to model an organically shaped part in CAD or continue with reverse engineering? A few clicks, and you're there. Check out the accompanying video

High-precision CAD models

ZEISS Reverse Engineering  
CAD import
Mesh import
Mesh editing
Automatic feature
High precision freeform surfaces
Standard geometries
Nominal actual analysis
CAD export

Discover more

How to create a CAD file out of manually modelled parts

ZEISS Reverse Engineering: Importing data

ZEISS Reverse Engineering: Edit and align meshes

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