The third generation
For twelve years, the ZEISS METROTOM series has been a offering CT technology for quality assurance. Demonstrating that sophisticated and dependable X-ray technology is a reality today, the third generation of the ZEISS METROTOM 1500 CT system stands as a testament to this. Secure the future of your quality control now
Tomografia industrială este una dintre cele mai avansate metode de control al calității și inspecției, oferind o imagine detaliată a interiorului obiectelor fără a le deteriora. Cu ajutorul unui sistem de tomografie computerizată industrială de la ZEISS, precum ZEISS Metrotom 1500, puteți efectua măsurători și inspecții precise cu o singură scanare cu raze X. Această tehnologie revoluționară garantează o trasabilitate completă datorită testului standard de acceptare, ingineriei de precizie și procesului sofisticat de calibrare.
Measure and inspect larger parts
Thanks to an expanded measuring volume, the third generation of ZEISS METROTOM 1500 facilitates the measurement of larger components.
Enhanced comfort and safety during operation
The front door, serving as a service access point that permits the operator to enter the system, facilitates the easier and more convenient loading of larger and heavier components. It ensures that users can carry out CT measurements with ease, safety, and precision.
Small footprint
Whether for transport, installation, maintenance, or optimizing space usage in a customer's lab, a smaller system is preferable. The cabin design of ZEISS' largest industrial CT system is wholly focused on maximizing space efficiency.
Observe more
In its third iteration, the introduction of a new 3k detector creates 3D volume datasets with increased resolution, meaning more voxels are available to identify smaller imperfections.
Accelerate the scanning process
Different operating modes of the detector can decrease the scanning time by up to 75%, while maintaining a voxel size comparable to that of a 2k detector.
Full component measurement and inspection
The ZEISS METROTOM offers an industrial computed tomography solution for the measurement and inspection of entire components crafted from plastic or light metal. Traditional measurement technologies only allow for the inspection of hidden structures through a laborious and expensive process of dismantling the component layer by layer.
Effortlessly and accurately measure numerous characteristics
Utilizing the ZEISS METROTOM computed tomography system, a wide array of component characteristics can be scanned in a single run, yielding precise and traceable results. In comparison to contact measuring techniques, the ZEISS METROTOM achieves a much quicker capture of a multitude of measuring points.
In-depth 3D CT data analysis
The user-friendly GOM Volume Inspect analysis software, suitable even for beginners, facilitates comprehensive 3D CT data analysis. It enables precise analysis of geometries, shrinkage holes, internal structures, and assemblies. Even the minutest defects are revealed through individual sectional images, which can be automatically assessed based on various criteria. The software allows for the integration of volume data from multiple components into a single project for trend analysis and CAD data comparison, thereby precisely determining and documenting the quality of your component — all within a single software solution.
ZEISS Automated Defect Detection (ZADD)
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Computed Tomography
The ZADD add-on integrated into the GOM Volume Inspect software reliably, swiftly, and automatically identifies even minor and unclear defects in components. It not only detects and pinpoints defects or anomalies but also classifies them while conducting a detailed analysis through CT scan readings. This software enhancement is versatile, finding applications in castings, injection-molded parts, batteries, 3D printed components, and more
DAkkS Calibration for Enhanced Assurance
To meet the elevated quality standards prevalent in the automotive, medical, and pharmaceutical industries, it is often essential to employ accredited CT inspection procedures. These procedures ensure objective and standard-compliant part measurements as stipulated by VDI/VDE 2630 part 1.3. The globally recognized DAkkS certification negates the need for multiple assessments, thereby reducing costs. The ZEISS METROTOM 800 and 1500 series now also offer DAkkS calibration, allowing you to economize while building greater trust with your clients. Notably, the Formula E title contender Audi Sport ABT Schaeffler leverages the ZEISS METROTOM to detect cavities and fractures in materials.
The entrance into CT technology
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For measurements of plastic parts with high accuracy
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Ultra-high resolution scanning of plastic parts
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For fast scans and denser parts
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Advanced CT technology for fast scans of large parts
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Documents and brochures
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Ziua Calității ZEISS 2024 | 21 Noiembrie 2024
Vă invităm la un nou eveniment anual exclusiv în care vom prezenta pentru a treia oară soluții de asigurare a calității împreună cu partenerul nostru ZEISS. Explorați împreună cu noi lumea metrologiei industriale ZEISS..
INDUSTRY EXPO Arad | 31.10.2024
Și în acest an ne revedem la târgul Industry Expo & B2B Meeting Arad în data de 31.10.2024, începând cu ora 09:00. Suntem nerăbdători să împărtășim păreri și să găsim soluții pentru problemele cu care vă confruntați în procesul de producție.
Workshop Practic - Tehnologii inovative de prelucrare pentru reducerea costurilor de producție
Acest eveniment promite să fie o ocazie excelentă pentru a descoperi cele mai noi tehnici și metode de prelucrare care pot contribui seminificativ la cresterea productivității și la reducerea costurilor de producție.
ZEISS - Soluții complete de inspecție și scanare 3D | 05.09.2024
Avem deosebita plăcere de a vă invita la un eveniment special dedicat măsurării și scanării 3D cu tehnologiile ZEISS, care va avea loc pentru prima dată în Iași