ZEISS Inspect: Effortless 3D Metrology Software for Precision Inspection


ZEISS Inspect provides everything you need to start effortlessly

View surface comparisons, perform GD&T analyses, and generate reports. Used in quality control, product development, and production

A unified software interface for all inspection needs

ZEISS Inspect supports scanning, inspection, and analysis in one package. Additionally, ZEISS Quality Suite offers a cohesive and unified workflow experience

Simplify the path to high-precision CAD models

Convert 3D scans into CAD models effortlessly with ZEISS Reverse Engineering

Explore the capabilities of GOM Inspect Pro Line designed for ATOS Q

Elevate your performance with this software upgrade, unlocking heightened levels of speed and precision. This upgrade opens up new possibilities while streamlining your workflow

Simplicity in complexity

Comprehensive and user-friendly

With ZEISS Inspect, you can easily manage both simple and complex tasks throughout the inspection process: from scanning the part to be inspected, to mesh editing, CAD import, GD&T and trend analysis, digital assembly, and proprietary inspection


  ZEISS Viewer ZEISS Inspect ZEISS Inspect Pro
Edit Projects
CAD Import -
Mesh Editing -
Reporting -
3D Inspection -
Native CAD Data - -
Parametric Inspection - -
Trend Analysis - -
Scripting - -
Digital Assembly - -
ZEISS Viewer - -

ZEISS Viewer

PC Version – Size 1.9 GB

Get started with the free version

incl. 14-day trial of ZEISS Inspect Pro* Get it now * After the trial period you can continue to use the basic version of ZEISS Inspect free of charge or purchase a Pro license.

ZEISS Inspect Pro

14-day trial period for free Start now





Tested and Confirmed for Superior Precision

Both the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) evaluated the precision of GOM Inspect against benchmark results. The verdict: GOM Inspect software was ranked in the category with the most minimal measurement discrepancies (Class 1).

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Ziua Calitatii Zeiss 2024

Ziua Calității ZEISS 2024 | 21 Noiembrie 2024

Vă invităm la un nou eveniment anual exclusiv în care vom prezenta pentru a treia oară soluții de asigurare a calității împreună cu partenerul nostru ZEISS. Explorați împreună cu noi lumea metrologiei industriale ZEISS..

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INDUSTRY EXPO Arad | 31.10.2024

Și în acest an ne revedem la târgul Industry Expo & B2B Meeting Arad în data de 31.10.2024, începând cu ora 09:00. Suntem nerăbdători să împărtășim păreri și să găsim soluții pentru problemele cu care vă confruntați în procesul de producție.

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