ZEISS Axio Zoom.V16: Materials Analysis
Stereoscopic Zoom Microscope tailored for expansive viewing areas. Benefit from the Axio Zoom.V16's dual advantage: outstanding resolution and a 16x zoom capability. Transition effortlessly from a broad view to intricate details, all while maintaining a generous working distance and singular focus. Efficiently combine vast tile-images at modest magnifications, achieving remarkable doubled resolution.
- Transition from broad views to intricate details.
- A zoom microscope crafted specifically for your needs.
- Explore intricate textures at enhanced magnifications
Toggle Seamlessly from Detail to Broad View
With Axio Zoom.V16's 16x zoom, capture exceptional clarity even at lower magnifications. Image entire subjects efficiently, achieving faster and more accurate results
The Microscope Tailored to Your Needs
Effortlessly pick the perfect mode for your task using Axio Zoom.V16's eZoom with its motorized iris diaphragm. Choices include:
- Brightness Mode: For the clearest fluorescence images throughout the zoom spectrum.
- Eyepiece Mode: Suited for standard lit ocular observations, offering both broad views and high-resolution magnification.
- Camera Mode: Optimizes resolution based on your camera's capabilities, balancing clarity and depth
EpiRel: Enhanced Image Contrast
Adjust the EpiRel slider in the Epi-Illuminator Z of your Axio Zoom.V16 for nuanced illumination. This reveals textures and minute elevations, especially at amplified magnifications, offering greater contour depth compared to traditional brightfield
Precision - Enhanced eZoom Images
Exceptionally Crisp Central to stereo and zoom microscopes is the zoom body. Historically, a meticulously crafted metal piece determined lens positioning and optical quality during zooming.
eZoom introduces electronic precision, replacing the mechanical curve. Stepper motors ensure accurate lens placement, considering individual lens tolerances. Each zoom body has its distinct curve, showcasing more intricate details. With eZoom, image clarity across magnification levels is twice as precise than its mechanical counterpart. Customize zoom curves as needed
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Ziua Calității ZEISS 2024 | 21 Noiembrie 2024
Vă invităm la un nou eveniment anual exclusiv în care vom prezenta pentru a treia oară soluții de asigurare a calității împreună cu partenerul nostru ZEISS. Explorați împreună cu noi lumea metrologiei industriale ZEISS..
INDUSTRY EXPO Arad | 31.10.2024
Și în acest an ne revedem la târgul Industry Expo & B2B Meeting Arad în data de 31.10.2024, începând cu ora 09:00. Suntem nerăbdători să împărtășim păreri și să găsim soluții pentru problemele cu care vă confruntați în procesul de producție.
Workshop Practic - Tehnologii inovative de prelucrare pentru reducerea costurilor de producție
Acest eveniment promite să fie o ocazie excelentă pentru a descoperi cele mai noi tehnici și metode de prelucrare care pot contribui seminificativ la cresterea productivității și la reducerea costurilor de producție.
ZEISS - Soluții complete de inspecție și scanare 3D | 05.09.2024
Avem deosebita plăcere de a vă invita la un eveniment special dedicat măsurării și scanării 3D cu tehnologiile ZEISS, care va avea loc pentru prima dată în Iași