ZEISS Axio Observer: Advanced Tool for Life Science Exploration
AI-Enhanced Inverted Microscope Setup
Life science research presents daily challenges. It demands a versatile microscope tailored for your specifics. The ZEISS Axio Observer serves as the perfect inverted platform for multifaceted imaging of both live and preserved samples. Integrate it with multiple technological solutions to hone in on your precise experimental needs.
- Features range from widefield imaging to super-resolution
- Unparalleled assistance throughout your research process
- Maximize imaging efficiency through advanced automation
Research Flexibility
Given the evolving nature of life sciences, the Axio Observer is equipped with interfaces from widefield light to 3D sectioning. Opt for the best incubation tools, simple sample access, and precise micromanipulation. Its vast integrated options promise adaptability and longevity.
Workflow Streamlining
Achieve imaging in mere seconds, courtesy of the AI Sample Finder. With automated carrier detection and focus adjustments, it simplifies your imaging tasks. Plus, easy integration with electron microscopy and other methods
Boost Your Experiment's Efficiency
Experience elevated efficiency with rapid light source transitions and filters. Choose cameras for optimal image quality and speed. Enjoy consistent focus during prolonged imaging and seamless objective adjustments
AI Sample Finder
Cut down experiment initiation to seconds. As microscopes grow more automated, AI Sample Finder fills the gap by swiftly adjusting and identifying samples.
Automated Identification of Samples for Efficient Imaging
While microscopes are becoming more automated, certain tasks like sample placement, focus adjustment, and identifying relevant areas on the sample carrier still involve manual steps. The AI Sample Finder automates these processes, eliminating time-consuming adjustments and reducing image capture time from minutes to seconds
Apotome 3: Fluorescent Sample Mastery
Through structured illumination, out-of-focus light is effortlessly excluded. ZEISS Apotome 3 processes optical sections from multiple images, ensuring high-contrast visuals even for denser specimens, while retaining user-friendliness
Optical Slicing Utilizing Structured Illumination
Structured illumination simplifies and streamlines the removal of out-of-focus light. ZEISS Apotome 3 generates an optical section by combining multiple images captured at various grid positions. Obtain high-contrast images, even from thicker specimens, all while maintaining the same user-friendly system operation
Autoimmersion Module
Automated, hands-free water immersion for reliable data acquisition from start to finish.
Minimize Your Risk. Improve Your Efficiency.
High-resolution imaging requires immersion media between the sample and the objective. Manual addition of immersion media risks loss of data points or even microscope damage from user error; it is also tedious and inefficient. The Autoimmersion Module for ZEISS Axio Observer 7 widefield and confocal systems is your automated, easy-to-use solution for maintaining immersion media for water immersion objectives
Typical Applications
Typical Application | Typical Samples | Tasks |
Label-free live cell cultures
Evaluate and document cell culture status
✓ PlasDIC contrast for high-resolution images through plastic vessels
✓ Objective lenses with long working distance and correction rings to enhance contrast and resolution
✓ Sample carriers and stages for large cell culture flasks
✓ Large field of view imaging (field number: 23 mm)
Transfected live cell cultures
Evaluate and document transfection rate and transfection stability
✓ Gentle fluorescence excitation by Colibri 5 and Colibri 7
Label-free fixed and thin tissue slices or small organism
Document and evaluate cell and tissue morphology and growth state
✓ Optimized DIC for low magnification, high numerical aperture multi-immersion lenses
Reproductive or adherent cells and cell cultures
Mechanical manipulation of cells (e.g. injection of germ cells), injection of dyes and other biologically active substances
✓ Phase contrast, improved Hoffmann Modulation contrast (iHMC), DIC contrast
✓ Support for micromanipulators from Narishige, Eppendorf and Luigs & Neumann
✓ Heated microscope stages and mounting frames, heating inserts
Living neuronal or muscular cell culture or tissue slices
Observation of fast densitometric, ratiometric and electrical signals
✓ Water- and silicon oil immersion lenses
✓ Apochromatic and UV-enhanced reflected-light illuminator
✓ Double camera adapter Duolink
✓ Highspeed filter wheels and shutters
✓ Fast multicolor LED illumination with Colibri 5 and Colibri 7
✓ High efficiency filter sets
✓ Z-Piezo (500 µm) with large travel range
Fixed immunfluorescence labelled tissue or cell culture samples
Identification, quantification and qualification of cell types, cell-, tissue and protein markers in 2D and 3D samples
✓ Definite Focus 3
✓ Dual filter wheel
✓ Apotome 3
✓ Piezo stage for high speed, high precision XY positioning
✓ Various mounting frames for different sample carriers
Multi-labelled living tissue section, organs, organotypic-, spheriod or cell culture preparations
Long-term observation of physiological and morphological parameters in 2D / 3D
✓ Autocorr objective lenses
✓ Definite Focus 3
✓ Special objectives for incubation
✓ Life cell imaging objectives
✓ Long distance objectives
✓ Water and silicone oil immersion objectives
✓ Aqua Stop II
✓ Incubation, CO2 and O2 control
✓ Camera adapter for large field of view imaging (field number: 23 mm)
✓ Colibri 5 and Colibri 7
Microbiomes, bacteria and yeast cultures
Identification and characterization of cell wall, cell cycle and host-parasite interaction |
✓ C-Apochromat 100 × / 1.25 W Corr Plan
✓ APOCHROMAT 150 × / 1.35 Glyc Corr DIC
Documents and brochures
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Ziua Calității ZEISS 2024 | 21 Noiembrie 2024
Vă invităm la un nou eveniment anual exclusiv în care vom prezenta pentru a treia oară soluții de asigurare a calității împreună cu partenerul nostru ZEISS. Explorați împreună cu noi lumea metrologiei industriale ZEISS..
INDUSTRY EXPO Arad | 31.10.2024
Și în acest an ne revedem la târgul Industry Expo & B2B Meeting Arad în data de 31.10.2024, începând cu ora 09:00. Suntem nerăbdători să împărtășim păreri și să găsim soluții pentru problemele cu care vă confruntați în procesul de producție.
Workshop Practic - Tehnologii inovative de prelucrare pentru reducerea costurilor de producție
Acest eveniment promite să fie o ocazie excelentă pentru a descoperi cele mai noi tehnici și metode de prelucrare care pot contribui seminificativ la cresterea productivității și la reducerea costurilor de producție.
ZEISS - Soluții complete de inspecție și scanare 3D | 05.09.2024
Avem deosebita plăcere de a vă invita la un eveniment special dedicat măsurării și scanării 3D cu tehnologiile ZEISS, care va avea loc pentru prima dată în Iași