VersaPower® Xtreme™ Induction Power Supply Revolution


Inductoheat proudly unveils the revolutionary VersaPower® Xtreme™, a premium induction power supply model featuring Radyne’s Digital iQ™ Inverter Controls. This groundbreaking innovation redefines the standards of induction heating technology.

The VersaPower® Xtreme™ is a compact, ultra-high-performance induction power supply family designed for simplicity and efficiency. Its sleek design optimizes internal component placement, enhancing strength and durability in harsh industrial environments while minimizing weight.

The ergonomic design ensures effortless operation, with convenient access to tuning caps and tap settings that can be adjusted without the need for tools.

With unprecedented heating accuracy, the VersaPower® Xtreme™ delivers ultra-fast responsiveness, achieving 0-100% power output in less than 1 millisecond. This continuous frequency, high-end unit sets new standards in its class, making it ideal for a wide range of applications including brazing, joining, shrink-fitting, hardening, tempering, annealing, forming, and more.


  • Capability for multi-language interface.
  • Rated for 100% duty cycle.
  • Maintains an input power factor of 0.95 under all operational conditions for three-phase input units.
  • Monitors and provides alerts for demand-rated water flow.
  • The resonant inverter is exceptionally easy to use.
  • Simplified access for tap and cap changes.
  • Allows remote control for modern PLC integration.

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