UCM ultrasonic cleaning system for efficient, multi-stage tool purification


Advanced tool cleaning strategies meet the growing demand for higher cleanliness and uniform cleaning outcomes in tool production. UCM provides tailored solutions, from in-process cleaning to the final cleanse before PVD/CVD coating. Offering a wide range of methods from water-based, multi-step ultrasonic cleaning to final rinses with ultrapure water and advanced drying techniques, UCM consistently delivers the best cleaning solutions throughout the entire production line. Our diverse processes, such as passivation, DI water rinsing, extraction, and various drying methods (air blast, heated air, vacuum), are designed to address precise cleaning requirements.

UCM delivers comprehensive industrial cleaning solutions, encompassing everything from initial pre-cleaning to advanced ultra-fine cleaning, suitable even for cleanroom standards. As creators of sophisticated multi-stage ultrasonic immersion cleaning systems, our equipment upholds the utmost cleanliness standards. Featuring a modular design, our technology can be customized to fit any specific needs affordably and efficiently. This includes a variety of ultrasonic resonators, tailored for different frequencies and powers, along with advanced re-circulation and filtration capabilities. 


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  • Advanced ultrasonic cleaning system with several stages
  • Includes up to 8 tanks for processes like ultrasonic cleaning, standard rinsing, and DI water rinsing
  • Goods are dynamically moved through oscillation and pivoting at varied speeds
  • Processes approximately 17 batches hourly
  • Features drying options such as air blast, heated air with particle filtering, or vacuum drying
  • Equipped with features like ultrasonic technology, magnetic filtration, oil separation, and DI water purification
  • Tank dimensions can be as large as 900x600x600 mm


  • Post-grinding cleanup (with emulsion or oil)
  • Post-blasting or drag finish cleanup
  • After-polish cleaning
  • Pre-coating (PVD) preparation


  • Tungsten Carbide (a hardened sintered metal)
  • High-Speed Steel (HSS) for enhanced performance
  • Various specialized metals for tool manufacturing


  • Carbide inserts for cutting
  • Tools for turning operations
  • Tools for milling applications
  • Drill bits for drilling
  • Taps for creating threads
  • Tools for countersinking
  • Tools for reaming holes
  • Holders and bodies for various tools

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