TNX65 CNC Turn-Mill Center: Precision and Power Redefined, Effortlessly Efficient


  • Simultaneous, independent machining using up to 4 tool carriers.
  • Quadruple function symmetry with 4 identical turrets, each with an independent Y-axis, equal tool change spaces, and an identical number of tool stations.
  • Flexibility in allocating tool carriers to the two spindles.
  • Achieving optimal cutting power through robust drives on both main and counter spindles.
  • Strong tool drives on all turrets for comprehensive cutting capabilities.
  • Patented tool holder positioning eliminates the need for time-consuming axial tool adjustments.
  • Spacious and easily accessible working area.

B400 in focus

Csm Traub Tn X65 42 0001 6f15f3daf9
Csm Traub Tn X65 42 0002 2e184b4726
Csm Traub Tn X65 42 0003 D13d1d3bcd
Csm Traub Tn X65 42 0004 62e7846ca1
Csm Traub Tn X65 42 0005 85380feb02
Csm Traub Tn X65 42 0011 7e15f5c257
Csm Traub Tn X65 42 0012 C67d4b1a6b
Csm Traub Tn X65 42 0014 997a9e0ad8

Modular System

Exceptional manufacturing precision

NEW: The milling unit

Features rapid chip-to-chip times comparable to a turret. The magazine offers up to 80/120 tools for versatile machining tasks.

The modular system

Allows for optimal machine equipment customization to match your specific requirements.

Fundamental structure

The compact machine bed, constructed from robust ribbed cast iron, exhibits high torsional and bending rigidity. It houses the thermo-symmetric headstock, linear guideways for bed slides and counter spindle slides, providing excellent vibration absorption, dynamic stiffness, and thermal stability. A bed inclination of 60° ensures unobstructed chip removal

Machine dimensions

  • Bar diameter up to 65 mm
  • Chuck size up to 175 mm
  • Turning length up to 650 mm

Technical Data

Technical Data Value
Main Spindle, Counter Spindle  
Bar Capacity (mm) 65
Chuck Diameter (mm) 175
Max Speed (rpm) 5,000
Power at 40% (kW) 24
Torque at 40% (Nm) 192
C Axis Resolution (degree) 0.001
Compound Slides 1, 2, 3, 4  
Slide Travel X, Rapid Traverse (mm / m/min) 175 / 20
Slide Travel Y, Rapid Traverse (mm / m/min) ± 40 / 20
Slide Travel Z, Rapid Traverse (mm / m/min) 650 / 40
Tool Turrets 1, 2, 3, 4  
Number of Stations 10
Max Speed (rpm) 6,000
Max Power (kW) 5.5
Max Torque (Nm) 17.5
Motor Milling Spindle  
Tool Holder HSK-A40
Number of Stations 80 / 120
Max Speed (rpm) 12,000
Max Power (kW) 5.5
Max Torque (Nm) 35.4
Slide Travel X, Rapid Traverse (mm / m/min) 340 / 30
Slide Travel Y, Rapid Traverse (mm / m/min) ± 40 / 15
Slide Travel Z, Rapid Traverse (mm / m/min) 650 / 60
B-Axis Swivel Angle (degree) ± 95
Dimensions, Weight, Connecting Power  
Weight (kg) ca. 10,000
Connecting Power (kW) 85
Controls TRAUB
  TX8i-s V8


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