TNL12 - Versatile sliding and fixed headstock lathe for precise machining


  • Bar clearance of up to 13 mm
  • Capability for up to four tool carriers for simultaneous tool usage
  • Extensive tool selection for easy setup-friendly production
  • Quick tool changes facilitated by CNC indexing axis in tool turrets, front and back working attachments
  • Smooth transition from sliding to fixed headstock operation
  • Exceptionally compact machine design for maximum productivity per unit area


Traub Tn L12 1
Traub Tn L12 2
Traub Tn L12 4
Traub Tn L12 5
Traub Tn L12 6

Adaptable in its design

The TRAUB TNL12 sliding/fixed headstock automatic lathe represents a natural evolution of well-established production techniques. Whether utilized as a Swiss-type sliding headstock lathe or as an efficient fixed headstock lathe, the versatile configurations available through the modular system can cater to intricate demands.

With the control cabinet integrated into the machine's base, ample room is provided for tailored workspace arrangements, including optimal workpiece handling.

Efficient Workpiece Discharge Methods – Swift, Secure, and Gentle


Flush-Out Unit for Workpieces via Back Working Attachment

Workpieces (max. Ø 13 mm / max. length 60 mm / max. workpiece weight 70 g) can be efficiently and safely flushed out from the counter spindle using a flush-out unit, positioned at station 7 on the back working attachment. A ring sensor monitors and confirms the safe transfer into the parts selector or parts box.

Workpiece Removal Unit

The workpiece removal unit (equipped with servo linear axis in the Z-direction and servo swivel axis) extracts completed workpieces (max. Ø 13 mm / max. length 120 mm / max. workpiece weight 150 g) using a workpiece gripper (with two jaws) and gently positions them on a part removal conveyor.

TRAUB TX8i-s V8 Control System

Built for the Future

The TRAUB TX8i-s V8 seamlessly incorporates iXpanel features, providing an intuitive experience through its 19” touchscreen monitor.

The iXpanel operational concept offers access to a networked production environment. With iXpanel, your team constantly has access to all the relevant information needed for efficient production, right at the machine. iXpanel is included as a standard feature and can be customized to suit your business needs, offering Industry 4.0 tailored to your specific requirements.

Technical Data

Component Specification
Main spindle  
Bar capacity 13 mm
Speed max. 12,000 rpm
Power at 100% / 40% 3.5 kW / 4.4 kW
Torque at 100% / 40% 6.7 Nm / 8.6 Nm
C axis resolution 0.001 degree
Feed force 3,600 N
Counter spindle  
Bar capacity 13 mm
Speed max. 12,000 rpm
Power at 100% / 40% 3.5 kW / 4.4 kW
Torque at 100% / 40% 6.7 Nm / 8.6 Nm
C axis resolution 0.001 degree
Slide travel X, rapid traverse, feed force 152 mm / 40 m/min / 2,600 N
Slide travel Z, rapid traverse, feed force 330 mm / 25 m/min / 3,600 N
Turret (upper/lower optional)  
Number of stations 6
Speed max. 12,000 rpm
Power at 100% / 25% 1.0 kW / 2.1 kW
Torque at 100% / 25% 1.0 Nm / 2.0 Nm
Slide travel X, rapid traverse, feed force 38 mm / 25 m/min / 3,600 N
Slide travel Y, rapid traverse, feed force 25.4 mm / 25 m/min / 3,600 N
Slide travel Z, rapid traverse, feed force (top) 51 mm / 25 m/min / 3,600 N
Front working attachment  
Number of stations 4
Speed max. 12,000 rpm
Power at 100% / 25% 1.0 kW / 2.0 kW
Torque at 100% / 25% 1.0 Nm / 2.0 Nm
Slide travel X, rapid traverse, feed force 330 mm / 40 m/min / 2,600 N
Slide travel Z, rapid traverse, feed force 152 mm / 25 m/min / 3,600 N
Internal cooling stations 1+4 max. 200 bar
Backworking attachment  
Number of stations 7
Speed max. 12,000 rpm
Power at 100% / 25% 1.0 kW / 2.0 kW
Torque at 100% / 25% 1.0 Nm / 2.0 Nm
Slide travel X, rapid traverse, feed force 203 mm / 25 m/min / 3,600 N
Internal cooling stations 1+4+5 max. 200 bar
Dimensions, weight, connecting power  
Weight 3,400 kg
Connecting power 24 kW
Length x width x height - long version 1,900 mm x 1,100 mm x 1,600 mm

Documents and brochures

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