STUDER WireDress®
STUDER WireDress® introduces groundbreaking capabilities to grinding with metal bonded CBN and Diamond wheels: Its electro erosive integrated dressing technology not only minimizes downtime but also achieves precise dressing of sintered metal bonds at full wheel speed.
WireDress® Components
Grinding wheels featuring ultra-hard diamond or CBN cutting materials are employed for grinding ceramics, tungsten carbide, and hardened steel. Previously, these wheels often had resin or ceramic bonds. Enhancing precision and cost-effectiveness in such grinding tasks involves using wheels with sintered metal bonds, which traditionally had limited value due to restricted dressing and average cutting ability.
With the latest STUDER-WireDress® dressing technology, metal-bonded grinding wheels can now be accurately profiled and sharpened within the grinding machine, operating at full speed. This results in enhanced cutting ability. WireDress® is available as a dresser option on the STUDER cylindrical grinding machines S22 and S41.
Higher productivity:
- Increased grinding performance by at least +30%
- Longer intervals between dressings
- Maximized free-standing grits for maximum cutting ability
- Dressing directly in the grinding machine improves Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
- Low costs for dressing tools
- High precision
No wear on the dressing tool
- The dresser can be swiveled
- Metal bonds can be dressed 20% faster
- Highest profile precision achievable in the range of 40 micrometers (0.0016 inches)
- -75% less wheel wear with metal bonds
- -70% reduction in workpiece deflection
- Internal radius of 0.2mm (0.008 inches) and external radius of 0.05mm (0.002 inches) achievable on the workpiece
Simple operation
- Full distance between centers can be utilized
- Fully integrated into the StuderWIN machine control system
- Regular grinding oil can be used T
- ouch dressing can be applied
- Quick wire coil change without the need for re-setting
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