Studer S151 Universal CNC Internal Grinder 



The S151 represents the latest generation of CNC universal internal cylindrical grinding machines.

It comes in two sizes, accommodating workpiece lengths of up to 700mm (27.5") or 1300mm (51.2"), with a swing diameter of 550mm (21.6") above the workpiece table.


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Csm F2cd09b0d9efae15a2ec731afef9f9663ce9feb6 Fp 16 9 21 14 419e1f4a9f

Hardware / Software


  • StuderGuide® guide system featuring linear drive
  • Grinding spindle turret equipped with up to four grinding spindles
  • Workpiece table that automatically swivels
  • C-axis for the workhead spindle, facilitating form and thread grinding
  • Full enclosure with two sliding doors
  • Machine base made of Granitan® S103 mineral casting


  • User-friendly operation and programming facilitated by StuderWIN
  • Quick setup and resetting times, exemplified by STUDER Quick-Set
  • Standardized interfaces for loader and peripheral devices


Linear Axes    
Max. Travel X 500 mm 19.7 inch
Max. Travel Speed X 20,000 mm/min 787 inch/min
Max. Travel Z 500 mm 19.7 inch
Max. Travel Speed Z 20,000 mm/min 787 inch/min
Spindle drive    
Max. Spindle Power 18 kW 24 hp
Max. Number Of Revolutions 120,000 /min 120,000 rpm
Max. Grinding Wheel Diameter 300 mm 12 inch
Max. Grinding Wheel Width 32 mm 1.3 inch
Swiveling Axes    
Swiveling Range B 330 ° 330 deg
Swiveling Range C ∞ ° ∞ deg
Workpiece Data    
Workpiece Length 700 mm 27.6 inch
Workpiece Diameter 550 mm 21.6 inch
Max. Workpiece Weight 250 kg 550 lbs
Center Height 275 mm 10.8 inch


S141 Brosura
3.37 MB
Studer Control S31
629 kB

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