Studer S141 Radius Grinding Machine - Precision Engineering Solution


The S141 Radius is a cylindrical grinding machine designed for precision grinding of intricate workpieces made from tough materials. 

With a maximum swing diameter of 400mm and a maximum workpiece weight of 100kg


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Hardware / Software


  • StuderGuide® system with linear drive for precise guidance
  • Fully automated B-axis with direct drive, offering a swivel range from -60° to +91°
  • Spindle turret accommodating up to four grinding spindles
  • C axis for the workhead, enabling form and thread grinding
  • Complete enclosure featuring two sliding doors
  • Granitan® S103 mineral casting machine base for stability and vibration damping


  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface facilitated by HMI StuderSim
  • StuderSIM software for programming and simulating grinding and dressing operations, accessible on the machine control or an external PC
  • Standardized interfaces for loader and peripheral devices


Linear Axes Spindle Drive Swiveling Axes Workpiece Data
Max. Travel X
Max. Travel Speed X
Max. Travel Z
Max. Travel Speed Z
Max. Spindle Power
Max. Number Of Revolutions
Max. Grinding Wheel Diameter
Max. Grinding Wheel Width
Swiveling Range B
Swiveling Range C
Workpiece Length
Workpiece Diameter
Max. Workpiece Weight
Center Height
500 mm
20'000 mm/min
500 mm
20'000 mm/min
15 kW
120'000 /min
250 mm
25 mm
330 °
∞ °
300 mm
400 mm
100 kg
200 mm


629 kB
Studer S121-S131-S141
3.15 MB
Brosura Robo Load
946 kB

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