Studer S121 Universal Internal Grinder 


The S121 serves as a versatile internal cylindrical grinding apparatus tailored for medium-sized workpieces in bespoke and small-scale manufacturing.

This cost-effective equipment offers a swing diameter of 400mm (15.7").


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Hardware / Software


  • StuderGuide® guide system featuring a linear drive
  • Spindle turret equipped with either two grinding spindles or one fixed spindle
  • C-axis integrated into the workhead for form and thread grinding
  • Complete enclosure with two sliding doors
  • Machine base made of Granitan® S103 mineral casting


  • Streamlined operation and programming facilitated by StuderWIN
  • Reduced setup and resetting durations, for instance, with STUDER Quick-Set
  • Standardized interfaces available for loaders and peripheral devices


Linear Axes
Max. Travel X 350 mm
Max. Travel Speed X 20'000 mm/min
Max. Travel Z 350 mm
Max. Travel Speed Z 20'000 mm/min
Spindle Drive
Max. Spindle Power 18 kW
Max. Number of Revolutions 120'000 /min
Max. Grinding Wheel Diameter 300 mm
Max. Grinding Wheel Width 32 mm
Swiveling Axes
Swiveling Range B 180°
Swiveling Range C ∞°
Workpiece Data
Workpiece Length 300 mm
Workpiece Diameter 360 mm
Max. Workpiece Weight 100 kg
Center Height 200 mm


3.14 MB
Studer control flyer
629 kB

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