Studer S110 - Flexible Internal Cylindrical Grinding Machine for Medium Workpieces



The S110 represents a highly adaptable internal cylindrical grinding machine tailored for processing medium-sized workpieces. 

With a center height of 102mm (4") and a maximum grinding length of 120mm (4.7").


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Hardware / Software


  • Linear arrangement allows for up to three grinding spindles
  • Spindles can be HF or belt-driven
  • External grinding wheel diameter up to 300mm (11.8")
  • Capability for both external and internal grinding in a single clamping
  • Full enclosure featuring a sliding door
  • Options for integrated or autonomous loading systems
  • Control systems include Fanuc Oi-TD / Fanuc 31i-A (with loader)


  • Choice of StuderWIN or StuderSIM simulation software for creating and simulating grinding programs either on the machine control or a PC


Linear Axes Max. Travel X 370 mm Max. Travel Speed X 15'000 mm/min
  Max. Travel Z 200 mm Max. Travel Speed Z 12'000 mm/min
Spindle drive Max. Spindle Power 15 kW Max. Number Of Revolutions 120'000 /min
  Max. Grinding Wheel Diameter 300 mm Max. Grinding Wheel Width 32 mm
Swiveling Axes Swiveling Range C ∞ °    
Workpiece Data Workpiece Length 230 mm Workpiece Diameter 120 mm
  Max. Workpiece Weight 50 kg Center Height 102 mm


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