Economic production is facilitated through our grinding software, which incorporates over 110 years of grinding expertise from STUDER.
Our flexible and intuitive software concept ensures minimized setup, programming, and grinding times, maximizing machine availability.
STUDER pioneered the "pictogramming" visual language for programming, offering unparalleled setup functions, grinding cycles, and auxiliary features.
Complex grinding processes become straightforward to program and control. You'll quickly master the STUDER software, benefiting from its efficiency.
Furthermore, STUDER machines are easily upgraded with the latest features and expansion modules, ensuring they remain state-of-the-art and retain their value."
The STUDER operating system streamlines machine setup for operators, offering immediate access to critical information without deep menu navigation.
A simple dialog guides users through the software structure, while its open architecture allows for customization to meet specific needs.
StuderWIN's key areas include setup, tool definition, program generation, process visualization, diagnosis, and analysis.
StuderTechnology Integration simplifies grinding parameter calculation, requiring just a few inputs to generate precise parameters in seconds.
With optimal feed rates from the outset, it ensures quality and stability from the start of the process.
Looking to maximize machine productivity? Utilize the STUDER Quick Set extension pack for swift retooling with an electronic measuring probe, reducing unproductive downtime by up to 90%."
Conveniently program your grinding programs from the office. The MachineOrganizer allows you to monitor all machines at a glance.
StuderWINprogramming is the ideal software for offline programming of grinding machines. Workpiece-oriented data management ensures organized data and quick access when needed. This software is as user-friendly as StuderWIN on the machine itself.
All tools integrated on the machine are also available on the programming station. With StuderWINtraining, you can learn setup and programming processes without affecting machine productivity.
The key advantages include:
- StuderPictogramming with graphical programming for creating grinding programs
- Direct programming of nominal positions from the workpiece drawing
- Definition of grinding wheel and dressing tool
- Workpiece-oriented data management, archiving, documentation, reproduction
- File management with graphic preview and direct program call for additional modules
- Data transmission via RS232, HSSB, Ethernet
- Direct access to the NC memory of the control system
- Tried, tested, and future-proof
- 1:1 mapping of the real machine, including all integrated tools
StuderSIM is the specially designed operating system for internal and radius grinding. It allows for the programming of all essential cycles for grinding, dressing, and process-supporting measurement.
These fundamental cycles, such as surface grinding, bore grinding, cone grinding, thread grinding, dressing, and measurement, are defined within the Parameter Input window.
This programming approach ensures remarkable flexibility while remaining highly user-friendly and tailored for workshop use. Each cycle is equipped with a dynamic help system that guides operators intuitively through the process of creating grinding data.
The programmed sequence is visually simulated and optimized, ensuring reliability, short programming times, and increased cost-effectiveness.
Simple to use and program thanks to HMI StuderSIM StuderSIM este un software de programare și simulare special dezvoltat pentru crearea și simularea programelor de rectificare și îmbrăcire pe mașină sau pe un PC extern. Interfețe standardizate pentru încărcător și dispozitive periferice.
STUDER Integrated Tools
Our software upgrades assist you in your particular grinding requirements.
Where would you like to enhance your process? In new and re-profiling? In peel, convex, and contour grinding? In noncircular grinding? In thread grinding? Our tailored solutions offer you optimal support directly from the control.
Do You Need Help?
We are here to provide you with all the information and assistance you need regarding our products. Please fill out the contact form below, and we will promptly answer your questions or provide you with the support you need to make the right decisions.
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