Studer Favorit: Precision CNC Cylindrical Grinding Machine for Various Workpieces


The Favorit is a CNC universal cylindrical grinding machine designed for both individual and batch production of workpieces varying in size from short to long.

It features different center distances and a center height, accommodating workpieces weighing up to 150kg.


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Hardware / Software


  • Turret wheelhead with a grinding wheel on the right or left and an internal grinding attachment
  • Automatic swiveling with 3° Hirth serration
  • External wheelhead with a grinding wheel on the right, positioned at 0° / 15° / 30° External and internal grinding feasible in a single clamping Granitan® S103 mineral casting machine base CE-compliant


Extremely straightforward programming with StuderPictogramming Optional StuderGRIND programming software for creating grinding and dressing programs on an external PC

Technical Data

Linear Axes Spindle Drive Swiveling Axes Workpiece Data
Max. Travel X: 370 mm Max. Spindle Power: 8 kW Swiveling Range B: 255° Workpiece Length: 1,600 mm
Max. Travel Speed X: 15,000 mm/min Max. Number Of Revolutions: 3,200 /min Swiveling Range C: ∞° Workpiece Diameter: 349 mm
Max. Travel Z: 1,750 mm Max. Grinding Wheel Diameter: 508 mm   Max. Workpiece Weight: 150 kg
Max. Travel Speed Z: 20,000 mm/min Max. Grinding Wheel Width: 80 mm   Distance Between Centers: 1,600 mm
      Center Height: 175 mm


79.9 kB

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