STEIN SOFTMOVE ensures gentle, efficient, and energy-saving product transportation


With STEIN SOFTMOVE we achieve exceptionally gentle and energy-efficient transportation of customer products between stations. The smart EC motors, managed directly by STEIN CONTROL, mitigate harsh impacts. These motors are deactivated when not in use, conserving energy and minimizing wear. STEIN SOFTMOVE significantly lowers noise levels, creating a more comfortable work environment.

  • Lowers energy use, resulting in significant long-term cost savings.
  • Averts harsh pallet collisions, ensuring product protection (enhances efficiency and product quality).
  • Minimizes wear and tear, extending system lifespan, reducing maintenance costs, increasing output, and ideal for cleanroom environments.
  • Decreases dirt accumulation, leading to better working conditions and less maintenance required.
  • Diminishes system noise, leading to a quieter production environment, fewer employee health issues, and enhanced manual workstation quality.

Maximally efficient with the gentlest transportation method


SOFTMOVE reduces power usage up to 80% by automatically controlling the activation and deactivation of drive belts, ensuring motors operate only when needed.


SOFTMOVE enhances the production environment and reduces maintenance expenses, keeping the production line significantly cleaner.


Using SOFTMOVE not only cuts down on machine servicing costs but also notably prolongs the machine's lifespan, offering substantial long-term benefits.

Functioning of SOFTMOVE

Thanks to STEIN CONTROL's ability to pinpoint each pallet's precise location, the belt drive motors are programmed to avoid harsh impacts and to operate only when needed. This smart system decelerates the pallet before it contacts the stopper latch, ensuring a soft stop. The conveyor system automatically powers down if it detects no further need for transport, leading to significant energy savings – potentially up to 80%.

Gentle Handling in Production

In the realm of production, speed is crucial. STEIN's SOFTMOVE technology ensures that, even at high speeds and volumes, pallets do not suffer hard collisions. It facilitates the ultra-gentle handling of delicate products, simultaneously reducing wear, debris, and noise, thereby conserving time, energy, and costs. These advantages are invaluable in production, and STEIN uniquely combines them with SOFTMOVE. STEIN’s SOFTMOVE has become the standard in handling sensitive items, extending well beyond the Black Forest region. SOFTMOVE's smart technology enables automated motor control (with EC motor-equipped drive belts) using the STEIN SOFTMOVE algorithm. The distinct strengths and benefits of SOFTMOVE are detailed on page 65. Our customers are the best judges of which advantages are most crucial in their production, and we're always ready to advise on SOFTMOVE's applications.

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