STEIN 400: Effortless transport of heavy workpieces


Efficiency for Heavy Workpieces

  • This efficient and secure solution impresses operators daily.
  • Pallets move gently together using STEIN SOFTMOVE technology, preventing wear, vibrations, and noise despite workpieces weighing up to 80 kg.
  • Various products of different sizes can be simultaneously transported on a single pallet.
  • Easy Transportation with STEIN SOFTMOVE Gentle, speedy, and trouble-free transport is enabled by intelligent EC motors.
  • The pallets glide on ball-bearing rollers located beneath the belt, eliminating the drawback of their substantial weight

Advantages of STEIN 400

  • Exceptionally quiet
  • Suitable for weights up to 80 kg
  • Pallet sizes ranging from 240 x 240 mm (scalable)
  • Speeds up to 30 m/min
  • Extensive range of components (transfer units, centering devices, etc.)
  • Minimal wear and tear thanks to roller cassettes
  • Flexible transport

Employee Oriented

At STEIN, Employee Well-being is Paramount. STEIN is dedicated to both technological interconnectivity and mechanical innovation, with a strong emphasis on ergonomics. Our systems allow operators the choice to work sitting or standing, with conveyor belts that automatically adjust to their height preferences.

Silent Operation

  • SOFTMOVE - Motor's smooth operation significantly lowers noise levels. This ensures pallets move without collision and belts last longer without wear.

Ease of Access

  • Gate Element - Unrestricted access to the system's internal areas enables technicians to work comfortably and more efficiently, potentially reducing system downtime.

User-Friendly Interface

  • Display Terminal - The system's interactive communication with operators streamlines the workflow, enhanced by its navigational capabilities.

Rapid Processing

  • STEIN CONTROL - Quickly generate individual orders or full production schedules with minimal clicks. This feature simplifies process configuration without the need for complex programming.

Optimal Ergonomics

  • Height Adjustable - Recognizing individual preferences, the system allows operators to choose their ideal working height, promoting comfort and optimal performance.

Dependable Longevity

  • Durable Design - The transfer line's durability and our professional support are consistently praised by clients. Continuous improvement is a cornerstone of our operations.


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