SHARK-DRILL2 – Precision and durability with replaceable inserts for drilling


Achieve peak drilling performance with the SHARK-DRILL2 across various diameters and depths. Robust, stable, and precise, it serves as a solid carbide alternative with replaceable inserts, ensuring high chip volumes and feed rates. Through-tool cooling, optimized coolant outlets, wide chip chambers, full coating, and smooth chip chamber run-out in the collar contribute to its strength. The optimized location flat in the holder enhances stability.

The SHARK-DRILL2 excels in machining steel, stainless steel, non-ferrous metals, and cast materials with precision, thanks to solid carbide inserts featuring different grades and geometries with point grinding for excellent centering. Quick and easy insert changes in the mounted position, Torx Plus® screws with pull-down effect for a secure seat, and a single holder accommodating multiple drilling diameters save time and money. Benefit from impressive drilling tolerances and high feed rates, akin to solid carbide drills, at an affordable price-performance ratio

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