The SM Series Magnetic Cleaner is an advanced system employing a permanent magnetic field filter for the efficient removal of metallic impurities. Operating on rotating discs, it collects all metallic contaminants, subsequently unloading them into a collection tank. Notably, the SM Cleaner distinguishes itself by avoiding the use of vacuum filtering materials. This innovative design allows for the differentiated removal of waste, enhancing the overall cleaning process.
The SM Series offers a range of models, each with varying filtration capacities and tank sizes to cater to diverse applications. The filtration capacities, measured in liters per minute, range from 40 (SM 040) to 400 (SM 400), accommodating different levels of impurity concentrations. The tank capacities, measured in liters, range from 80 (SM 040) to 800 (SM 400), ensuring ample storage for collected impurities.
Whether it's the compact SM 040 or the robust SM 400, the SM Series Magnetic Cleaner delivers reliable performance and versatile solutions for efficient impurity removal.
Tehnica Data
SM SERIES | MODEL | SM 040 | SM 050 | SM 100 | STM 150 | SM 200 | SM 300 | SM 400 |
Flitration capacity | it./min | 40 | 50 | 100 | 150 | 200 | 300 | 400 |
Tank capacity | lt. | 80 | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 600 | 800 |
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