R300 turn-mill center: 5-axis machining, rapid tool changes, extensive automation

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Csm Index R300 0002 5d9d4178b5
Csm Index R300 0011 A045d9eeed
Csm Index R300 0014 0bb16cea1a
Csm Index R300 0016 8e9d56f002
Csm Index R300 0021 76856fe622



  • Swiftly swap up to 140 tools (HSK-T63) within a 6-second chip-to-chip timeframe, reducing secondary processing times for both spindles.
  • Incorporates two complete 5-axis systems within a single turn-mill center.
  • Offers extensive automation possibilities, customized to meet individual customer requirements
  • Provides X travel ranges of up to 780 mm

The tool magazine – every tool at your disposal

Featuring up to 140 magazine stations, tools can be swiftly replaced within a mere 6-second chip-to-chip interval on both spindles. Moreover, the tool loading strip enables enhanced productivity, allowing for the replacement of 8 tools during machining.

  • 70/140 tool stations (HSK-T63 mounting)
  • Rapid tool changes with a chip-to-chip time of just 6 seconds
  • Simultaneous and independent loading of both milling spindles
  • Enhanced functional reliability thanks to the standard tool magazine with a chain design

The motorized milling spindle

delivers an impressive 95 Nm of torque

Positioning the milling spindles at the center of the machine bed facilitates the transmission of force through shorter lever arms. This leads to effective vibration damping, ultimately extending tool longevity.

Benefit for you: Enhanced workpiece quality and reduced costs throughout the machine's entire lifespan.

Handling system

Utilization with a compact loader or robot, manual operation, or full integration with automation.


Every motorized milling spindle features 6 tool slots for stationary turning tools, ensuring high machining productivity and maximum repeatability during tool holder changes

Gear Cutting on R300

The distinctive machine kinematics enable comprehensive bevel gear machining on the INDEX R300, delivering substantial benefits to users

Technical Data

Main spindle, counter spindle  
Bar capacity 102 mm
Chuck diameter 315 mm
Speed max. 3,500 rpm
Power at 100% / 40% 47 / 52 kW
Torque at 100% / 40% 450 / 690 Nm
C axis resolution 0.001 degree
Slide travel Z 610 mm
Rapid traverse Z 40 m/min
Feed force Z 7,000 N
Tool carrier 1  
Quill diameter 240 mm
Slide travel X 580 mm
Slide travel Y ± 140 mm
B-axis swivel angle 270 degree
Tool carrier 2  
Quill diameter 240 mm
Slide travel Y ± 140 mm
B-axis swivel angle 270 degree
Motor milling spindle  
Tooling system  
Speed max. 9,000 rpm
Power at 25% 24.5 kW
Torque at 100% / 25% 66 / 95 Nm
Solid tool places on motor milling spindle  
Tool magazine  
Tool length max. 300 mm
Tool diameter max. 70 (160 with constraints) mm
Tool weight max. 5 kg
Number of stations 70 (140)  
Gantry-type removal unit  
Slide travel Z 2,090 mm
Rapid traverse Z 60 m/min
Workpiece length max. 250 mm
Workpiece diameter max. 100 mm
Workpiece weight max. 15 kg
Dimensions, weight, connecting power  
Weight ca. 18,500 kg
Connecting power 114 kW
Controls S840D sl
Multi-Touch Screen 18.5"

Documents and brochures

Vertical and horizontal Turning/Grinding Centers
1.61 MB
1.24 MB

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