PowerSpeed 4000 – Unleash Versatile Machining Power

The PowerSpeed 4000 is the ultimate moving column machine, offering impressive mobility for a wide range of machining tasks. With up to 75 kW of power and a rapid travel speed of 40,000 mm/min, it combines functionality with performance. Its attractive design and customizable options make it a perfect fit for your specific needs. Experience unparalleled machining flexibility and elevate your production processes to new heights


The PowerSpeed 4000 is the epitome of versatility in the realm of moving column machines. It redefines mobility, enabling a vast spectrum of machining possibilities. Its remarkable attributes go beyond versatility, encompassing a robust power output of up to 75 kW and an impressive travel speed of 40,000 mm/min. But it's not just about performance; the machine's design marries functionality with aesthetics. Moreover, a wide array of individual options allows you to tailor the PowerSpeed 4000 to your exacting needs. Experience unmatched performance and flexibility with this machine and elevate your manufacturing processes to unprecedented levels.


Milling heads

  • Universal milling heads
  • Fork milling heads
  • Horizontal milling heads
  • Angle milling heads
  • Special milling heads

Workpiece handling

  • platen
  • round table(s)
  • Rotary table with transverse axis
  • Rotary table(s)
  • Reversible clamp
  • Pallet changer

Tool handling

  • Tool changer
  • Tool magazine
  • Tool loading station
  • Tool pick-up


  • Siemens
  • Heidenhain

PowerSpeed 4000 (millumachine)

PowerSpeed ​​4000 C (Kienle)

Documents and brochures

Traveling column machines brochure
984 kB
User report
606 kB

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