PowerPortal 4000 - robustness and performance of a gantry-type machine with the precision of a portal machine

It combines the robustness and performance of a gantry-type machine with the precision of a portal machine. This innovative design allows for precise workpiece machining in assembly orientation and seamless 5-sided processing. It's reshaping the manufacturing landscape, delivering unmatched accuracy, efficiency, and setting the benchmark for the future of workpiece production.


PowerPortal 4000 redefines the very essence of machining technology by seamlessly blending the rugged quality and high-performance capabilities of a mobile column machine with the precision and finesse of a portal-type machining center.

Its groundbreaking and innovative design serves as a testament to its unmatched versatility and precision. With the ability to perform intricate, precision machining on workpieces in their assembled positions and the seamless capability to process all five sides without interruption, the PowerPortal 4000 stands as a true pioneer in the manufacturing industry. 

This revolutionary machine transcends the boundaries of conventional manufacturing, setting new standards for accuracy and efficiency. Its ability to effortlessly handle complex tasks and provide uninterrupted 5-face machining is a testament to its superiority.

The PowerPortal 4000 is not just a machine; it's a game-changer, a force to be reckoned with, and a harbinger of the future of machining.

With this powerful ally by your side, you can achieve levels of precision and efficiency that were once considered unattainable, paving the way for the future of workpiece production.


Milling heads

  • Universal milling head (orthogonal) with 400 spindle A-axis ± 90° 1°/0.01° pitch C-axis ± 180° 1°/0.01 pitch
  • Universal milling head (diagonal /45°) A-axis ± 180° 1°/0.01 pitch C-axis ± 180° 1°/0.01 pitch
  • Kessler fork milling head A-axis ±105° continuously variable C-axis ± 200° continuously variable

Workpiece handling

  • platen
  • Round table (attachment)
  • Rotary table (attachment)

Tool handling

  • Automatic tool changer
  • Tool Center
  •  Tool pick-up
  • Special solutions


  • Siemens
  • Heidenhain


  • Dynamic package
  • Accuracy package
  • Chip management package

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