Powder Management - Sistem integrat de manipulare eficientă și sigură a pulberilor metalice


Ergonomically Designed

Our cartridges are crafted following ergonomic principles and remain comfortably hand-held even when filled to their 8kg maximum capacity, promoting user-friendly operation.

Double Safety with Two Cartridges

Our supply and overflow containers feature distinct colors, preventing mix-up errors and ensuring powder quality.

Integrated NFC Tag

The NFC-tag enhances material safety by preventing the pairing of different materials, maintaining powder quality, and automatically detecting closing cycles

Available Materials

All materials compatible with BOLDSERIES have undergone rigorous testing and meticulous parameter development to ensure optimized results

Stainless Steel



  • Excellent corrosion resistance
  • High tensile strength
  • Good overall strength and rigidity

Application examples:

  • Watches, jewelry, and electronic housing components
  • Food and chemical processing equipment
  • Non-corrosive automotive components




  • High dynamic load capacity
  • Easily undergoes post-processing

Application examples:

  • Functional prototypes
  • Motorsports components
  • Aerospace interior parts
  • Mechanical engineering applications

Tool Steel



  • Thermally hardenable up to approximately 54 HRC
  • Good thermal conductivity compared to other steels

Application examples:

  • Injection molding tools and their applications
  • Pressure die-casting tool applications
  • Functional prototypes, small series production, individualized products, and spare parts
  • Components that require particularly high strength and/or rigidity

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We are here to provide you with all the information and assistance you need regarding our products. Please fill out the contact form below, and we will promptly answer your questions or provide you with the support you need to make the right decisions.

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