Minio 85C/P – Efficient solvent washer for minimal space

The Compact Solvent Washer for Limited Space

This compact solution minimizes space usage. Non-halogenated hydrocarbons, highly effective cleaning agents, enable safe and cost-effective solvent use to remove oil, grease, and swarf during or after production processes. Both small facilities with low production capacity and large-scale plants with decentralized cleaning stations benefit from the advanced process technology of the Minio 85C cleaning system.

Numerous program variants involving immersion, vapor degreasing, and vacuum drying ensure ideal conditions to meet the quality and functionality requirements of modern manufacturing processes. This small system, equipped with an appropriately sized basket, always includes double filtration (flood tank – work chamber and work chamber – flood tank).


Csm Minio 85 C Slider 1 Df5908a246
Csm Minio 85 C Slider 2 26febe8338
Csm Minio 85 C Titelbild F167147f54

Equipment and process

  • Cleaning and drying process in a closed work chamber
  • Second flood tank for fine cleaning
  • Circulation filtration with high-power injection flood washing
  • Manual work chamber loading at the front
  • Manual door lock on the work chamber
  • Multiple monitoring of safety-relevant temperatures and pressures in the tanks
  • Rotation and swivel movements of the parts baskets to support the cleaning and drying effect
  • Continuous solvent treatment by vacuum distillation
  • Siemens S7 control system for customized programming of the processes
  • Error diagnosis with plain text display on the control panel
  • Minimization of energy input due to heat recovery
  • Ample-sized maintenance and cleaning openings in the tanks
  • Closed equipment housing with maintenance doors for optimum access
  • 8 washing programs

Optional extras:

  • Ultrasonics unit
  • Modem
  • Visualization


  • Sophisticated, redundant safety equipment for the use of hydrocarbons
  • Virtually emission-free operation, environmentally friendly process
  • Cooling water-free operation due to air-cooled condensers
  • Water cooling possible
  • Vacuum distillation for optimum solvent treatment
  • Double filtration

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