Mega 86W - Versatile Aqueous Immersion Cleaning System
The Mega 86W cleaning system is designed for applications requiring high throughput and exceptional finishing quality through multistage aqueous immersion cleaning processes. It offers a wide range of possibilities, making it suitable for both mass-produced bulk items and precision cleaning of components such as injection system parts or medical equipment.
Equipment and Process
- Multistage washing and rinsing process with hot-air drying
- Immersion cleaning process for comprehensive coverage
- Part baskets can be rotated, oscillated, raised, and lowered to enhance cleaning and drying efficiency
- Automatic placement of part basket lids
- All stainless steel pipework
- Waste water-free operation thanks to integrated AQUACLEAN treatment unit
- Option to increase throughput with additional rotation frames
- Conveyor unit powered by maintenance-free servo motors
- Customizable process sequence programming
- Error diagnosis displayed in plain text on the operator control panel
- Closed system housing with large sliding doors for optimal access
- Automatic conveyor
Optional Extras
- Additional rinsing baths
- Filtration units
- Injection flood washing
- Ultrasonic unit
- Vacuum drying
- Deionization system for rinse water treatment
- Settling tank
- Diaphragm filtration for supplementary bath treatment
- Automatic dosing unit
- Waste water-free operation
- Extended bath life due to continuous treatment
- Minimal energy input with heat recovery
- Reduced waste volume for disposal due to residue concentration
- Low consumption of cleaning media
- Flexible adaptation to throughput and cleaning quality
Documents and brochures
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