Mägerle MGC ST: High-Efficiency Grinding Center with Swiveling Table


Similar to its counterparts in the MFP series, the Mägerle Grinding Center excels in creep feed grinding, boasting high removal capacities, as well as profile and flat grinding.

In its swiveling table configuration, the MGC is engineered for maximum ejection capacity. The 180° swiveling table enables the loading and unloading of workpieces during machining operations, significantly reducing non-productive downtime associated with workpiece changes. This translates into optimal productivity for both small and large production runs, as well as specialized applications. Moreover, the MGC with a swiveling table, when combined with an automatic loading and unloading system, unlocks additional reserves of efficiency. The easily accessible swiveling table also offers an ideal interface.

Technical Data

Linear Axes MGC ST 130 MGC ST 210 MGC L ST 210 MGC L ST 260
Max. Travel X 1300 mm 2100 mm 2100 mm 2600 mm
Max. Travel Speed X 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min
Max. Travel Y 650 mm 900 mm 900 mm 900 mm
Max. Travel Speed Y 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min
Max. Travel Z 500 mm 500 mm 750 mm 750 mm
Max. Travel Speed Z 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min
Spindle Drive  
Max. Spindle Power 75 kW 75 kW 115 kW 115 kW
Max. Number Of Revolutions 8000 /min 8000 /min 8000 /min 8000 /min
Max. Grinding Wheel Diameter 500 mm 500 mm 600 mm 600 mm
Max. Grinding Wheel Width 240 mm 240 mm 300 mm 300 mm
Workpiece Data
Swiveling Axes 180 ° 180 ° 180 ° 180 °
Table Sizes 760 x 325 mm 1000 x 440 mm 1000 x 440 mm 1000 x 440 mm


10.1 MB

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