Mägerle MGC Special Class-Customizable Grinding Centres


The Mägerle Special Grinding Centers of the Special Class offer a standardized modular concept, allowing for tailored solutions to meet individual customer needs. These grinding centers, customized within a proven product range, integrate single and multiple spindle systems, with both horizontal and vertical arrangements. They can be combined with stationary workpiece carriers, swiveling tables, or rotary tables, in various configurations. The outcome is a bespoke tool that meets stringent manufacturing quality standards across automotive, aviation, hydraulic, turbine construction, mechanical engineering, roller bearing, and tool industries, ensuring optimal cost-effectiveness.

Featuring single and multiple spindle systems, these grinding centers deliver optimal cost-effectiveness and manufacturing quality across diverse applications, with round, swivel, and stationary table variants.

Technical Data

Linear Axes
Max. Travel X 5500 mm
Max. Travel Speed X 20000 mm/min
Max. Travel Y 1200 mm
Max. Travel Speed Y 20000 mm/min
Max. Travel Z 900 mm
Max. Travel Speed Z 20000 mm/min
Spindle drive
Max. Spindle Power 115 kW
Max. Number Of Revolutions 30000 /min
Max. Grinding Wheel Diameter 1150 mm
Max. Grinding Wheel Width 300 mm
Swiveling Axes
Swiveling Range A 210 °
Swiveling Range B 360 °
Swiveling Range C 360 °
Workpiece Data
Rotary Table Diameter 2500 mm


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