Mägerle MFP Series - Precision Grinding Solutions


MFP Series - The Long-Distance Grinding Machine

With the MFP series, Mägerle extensively addresses the needs for flat and profile grinding machines. These machines specialize in creep feed grinding as well as profile and flat grinding operations utilizing the pendulum method. They showcase their complete performance potential in scenarios where workpieces need to be manufactured in large quantities with substantial stock removal rates, all while maintaining the typical high precision of Mägerle. Thanks to their sturdy construction, the machines in the MFP series can handle these demands even in rigorous 24/7 continuous operation. The Mägerle MFP series boasts a modular design, allowing for the flexible combination of table lengths and vertical strokes over a wide range with various additional axes and special components.

This adaptable modular system facilitates diverse machine configurations precisely tailored to specific user needs.

  • High precision combined with high stock removal rates
  • Demanding continuous operation 24/7
  • Modular system offering various table sizes and vertical strokes
  • Configurable according to user requirements
  • Optional additional spindle/swiveling spindle

Technical Data

Linear Axes MFP 80 MFP 125 MFP L125 MFP 160 MFP L160 MFP 220 MFP L220 MFP L260
Max. Travel X 800 mm 1250 mm 1250 mm 1600 mm 1600 mm 2200 mm 2200 mm 2600 mm
Max. Travel Speed X 30000 mm/min 30000 mm/min 30000 mm/min 30000 mm/min 30000 mm/min 30000 mm/min 30000 mm/min 30000 mm/min
Max. Travel Y 650 mm 750 mm 750 mm 750 mm 750 mm 750 mm 750 mm 650 mm
Max. Travel Speed Y 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min
Max. Travel Z 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm
Max. Travel Speed Z 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min 20000 mm/min
Spindle Drive  
Max. Spindle Power 75 kW 75 kW 115 kW 75 kW 115 kW 75 kW 115 kW 115 kW
Max. Number Of Revolutions 8000 /min 8000 /min 8000 /min 8000 /min 8000 /min 8000 /min 8000 /min 8000 /min
Max. Grinding Wheel Diameter 500 mm 500 mm 600 mm 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm 500 mm
Max. Grinding Wheel Width 240 mm 240 mm 300 mm 240 mm 300 mm 240 mm 300 mm 340 mm
Workpiece Data
Table Sizes 800 x 500 mm 1250 x 750 mm 1250 x 750 mm 1600 x 900 mm 1600 x 900 mm 2200 x 900 mm 2200 x 900 mm 2600 x 900 mm


10.1 MB

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