Inductoscan® XL - Heavy-duty induction heating system for large parts


The Inductoscan® XL Modular Heat Treating Scanning System is a powerful induction heating system designed for demanding industrial applications. This versatile system can be customized to perform various heat treatment processes, including scanning and single-shot operations, making it suitable for a wide range of large parts. It features advanced technology such as an enclosed water cooling and quench recirculation system with filtration for quieter operation. The system also includes user-friendly controls with a PLC and an industrial computer operator interface, simplifying setup, changeovers, and troubleshooting. Additionally, it offers options like pneumatic controls, a standard process monitoring package, and various accessories such as a high-pressure booster pump for coil cooling, quick disconnects, servo motor, gearbox-driven ball screw, Instachange bus adapter, process monitoring signature package, process data archiving, pneumatic door, pneumatic load assist vees, automatic lubrication system, quench filtration upgrade, robotic interlock package, and a 6-Axis 20kg robot.


Inductoscan Xl Modular Heat Treating Scanning System 03
Inductoscan Xl Modular Heat Treating Scanning System 01
Inductoscan Xl Modular Heat Treating Scanning System 02
7 U3 A7101 Edit 1568x1178


Standard Power Ratings 100 – 800 kW @ 100 – 400 kHz (w/optional side power supply) 100 – 450 kW @ 3, 10 and 30 kHz 75 – 300 kW @ 50 kHz 50 – 150 kW @ 200 kHz
Dimensions 124” W (3149 mm) x 79 3/8” D (2016 mm)
Tower Scan Length 50” (1270 mm)
Maximum Part Length 45” (1143 mm)
Scanning Speed (Max)/sec 10” (200 mm)
Door Dimensions 30”W (762 mm) x 42”H (1067 mm)
Work piece Capacity/Spindle 125 lbs. (57 kg)
Spindle Center Spacing 12” (305 mm)
Height Tower Up 165” (4191 mm)
Height Tower Down 110” (2794 mm)
Standard Controls Standard PLC with HMI interface with virtually unlimited program recipe storage
Cooling system Closed-loop water recirculating systems with stainless steel tank, stainless steel plate heat exchanger, non-ferrous pump and plumbing

Features and accessories


  • Single or dual-spindle vertical scanning precision induction hardening machine
  • Closed-loop water cooling and quench recirculation system with noise-reducing filtration
  • Shared machine base
  • Intuitive controls for easy setup, changeover, and troubleshooting, featuring a PLC with an industrial computer operator interface
  • Optional pneumatic controls
  • Standard process monitoring package


  • High-pressure booster pump for coil cooling
  • Quick disconnects
  • Servo motor and gearbox-driven ball screw
  • Instachange bus adapter
  • Process monitoring signature package
  • Process data archiving
  • Pneumatic door
  • Pneumatic load assist vees
  • Automatic lubrication system
  • Quench filtration upgrade
  • Robotic interlock package
  • 6-Axis 20kg robot

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