Index-Traub: Control and Software: iXpanel, CNC Control, Programming, Simulation, Technology Packages


iXpanel: Your Gateway to Seamless Machine Integration in Your Business

Focus on production and control with Industry 4.0 capabilities. INDEX's iXpanel® operating system goes beyond seamless network integration, offering extensive operator support and limitless data communication.

iXpanel prioritizes efficient machine control for maximum productivity during workpiece machining. It also establishes a direct link between machine control and the company's operations department.

iXpanel features cutting-edge control systems like Siemens S840D sl, FANUC 31iB, and TRAUB TX8i-s V8. It includes an 18.5"/15'' widescreen touchscreen monitor, perfect for advanced 3D simulations, along with a dedicated mini-computer software tailored to provide real-time information and support to machine operators.

Digital Information and Data Network for Paperless Production

On the right-hand side, there's a vertical control panel featuring an ABC keyboard, number pad, cursor keys, and various function keys. Among these, there's the 'i4.0 button' that, when touched, switches the control panel to an activity-oriented display.

Numerous enhancements have been added to sections like Production, Setup, Programming, Maintenance, General, and Diagnostics. iXpanel allows operators to seamlessly switch between the standard control view and this 'second page' with activity-oriented functions whenever needed.

Furthermore, a full-page view of PDF formats and intuitive touchscreen navigation/zoom functions ensure secure information transfer.

Enhancements and Upgrades

Tailor and expand iXpanel as needed to optimize your manufacturing process.

  • Virtual machine 3D simulation
  • VirtualPro Programming Studio
  • Built-in CAM system
  • Customized applications


SIEMENS SINUMERIK 840D sl - Your Competitive Edge

Beyond its scalable NCU performance, the SINUMERIK 840D sl boasts a high level of modularity in its operational components. Compatible with Virtual Machine and VirtualPro Perfect alignment of the SINUMERIK 840D sl with the operational philosophy of contemporary premium machine concepts A standard-setter in open architecture Effective communication at all tiers An almost limitless reservoir of CNC computing prowess

The FANUC 31i Control: Robust and Established

Your Benefits

  • Control from the advanced FANUC series (31i-B)
  • FANUC control panel featuring CNC keyboard and a 15" touchscreen
  • Genuine FANUC machine control panel with axis and spindle overrides
  • Integrated electronic handwheel on the machine control panel (standard) 
  • Storage capacity for up to 1000 part programs
  • Structured program storage via a file system
  • USB port and CARD reader on the control panel
  • Enhanced user safety with FANUC Dual Check
  • Safety Access rights defined through a protection level concept

TX8i-s V8 Control - Perfectly Suited for Industry 4.0

Effortless operation, unparalleled programming flexibility, and absolute process reliability.

Next-generation high-end product lines.

Your Benefits

  • Effortless and rapid program creation and optimization Compatibility with WinFlex + WinFlexplus
  • Programming options on an external PC workstation or directly on the machine
  • User-friendly control with a 19" Multi-Touch
  • Display Prepared as a standard for Industrie 4.0 - seamless machine integration
  • Advanced and intelligent drive concept
  • Exceptionally high reliability

With TRAUB Remote Access and TRAUB Messenger (Option), you stay fully informed about the real-time status of the turning machine.

Access and monitor the current machine status, and view the control screen via TRAUB remote access on your tablet or smartphone.

With TRAUB Messenger, you receive automatic notifications via email at defined machine states.

Programming and simulation software

INDEX Virtual Machine

Your advantages:

  • 3D model derived from the design, including all INDEX tool holders and spindles
  • Simulation of machining processes
  • Collision monitoring
  • Streamlined setup process with simple troubleshooting on the PC
  • Authentic Siemens 840D control with a comprehensive operating panel
  • Matching behavior between the virtual and actual machines

VirtualPro – the Innovative Programming Assistance

Simplified Program Creation VPro Guide Setting a New Programming Standard VirtualPro with VPro Guide offers a fresh and highly effective programming support for all INDEX turning machines:

VPro Guide represents an innovative programming approach by INDEX, guiding operators seamlessly through various machining techniques, including turning, drilling, milling, and the automation of machines and workpieces.


WinFlexIPS Plus

Your Advantages

In addition to robust programming, optimization, and simulation capabilities, WinFlexIPS Plus introduces the "Setup and Automatic Mode" within the 3D model, as if you were physically present at the machine. This provides users, along with the existing benefits of WinFlexIPS, access to the genuine 3D model and all operational components, including their functions, mirroring the actual machine – all on your PC!

  • Swift and dependable programming, thanks to streamlined standard program elements
  • Clear presentation of the program sequence in plain text
  • The NC program becomes instantly available after graphically interactive input and can be executed immediately
  • Seamless transition between dialog input and NC single-block input at any moment
  • Program optimization directly within the simulation model
  • Optional 2D or 3D simulation based on the NC program in TRAUB format
  • Planning and optimization of the setup process through 'manual operation' and 'automatic operation' functions in line with the real machine.


PC software for CNC programming of additional machining technologies.

+Technology Packages I (Options): Technology packages enable additional technological machining with the output of CNC blocks for further processing.

Operates independently on a PC, separate from INDEX Virtual Machine and TRAUB WinFlexPS.



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