Index- Tool Holders: Versatile, Innovative, Quality

Our range of tool holders includes:


  • VDI tool holders (Capto mounting, shrink collets, WFB quick-change system)
  • HSK tool holders (HSK-T/HSK-A interface, shrink-fit mounting, hydraulic expansion chuck)
  • Compact shank tool holders (WFB interface, external and internal cooling, multiple tool mountings)
  • MS tool holders (grooving tool holders, milling units)
  • Tool holder accessories like collets, reductions, cutting tools, or quick-change inserts.

Expertise in Tool Holders


Our engineers possess extensive experience and consistently introduce innovative concepts. Our frequently patented solutions establish industry standards and demonstrate the full extent of technical possibilities.


Our in-house development department, premium-grade components, and customer feedback integration are pivotal in maintaining our customary high-quality standards. Each tool holder undergoes a thorough and meticulously documented testing process before being shipped.



In our company, creative and practical solutions are readily offered as standard. These tool holders, precisely customized for our machinery, ensure top-quality turned components and a dependable turning process.


Should the appropriate product not be within our extensive selection at any point, our engineers will also discover a suitable solution for it.

Tool Holder Repair Services

Swift tool holder repair service to minimize downtime on your turning machine or turn-mill center caused by worn tool holders. INDEX TRAUB offers a fast and complimentary pick-up service for defective tool holders, including repairs for holders from other manufacturers.

For many years, INDEX and TRAUB have addressed the challenge of reducing downtimes to better serve their customers. The tool holder competence center is located at the Reichenbach site, equipped with a modern assembly facility optimized for workflow and material flow, following value stream design principles to minimize idle time and waste. This shorter repair time contributes to reduced downtime for our customers.

Do You Need Help?

We are here to provide you with all the information and assistance you need regarding our products. Please fill out the contact form below, and we will promptly answer your questions or provide you with the support you need to make the right decisions.

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