INDEX MS24-6 - Front-opening machine for precise, fast, and flexible bar turned parts machining


  • Front-opening design for bar machining
  • Offers easy access, enhancing user-friendliness
  • Highly dynamic slides equipped with a sliding guide (X-axis)
  • Z-axis designed for durability with hydrostatic support
  • Synchronized spindle for rear-end machining
  • Allows for a maximum of 6 tools for backworking


Ms24 002 01
M S24 001 01
Ms 005 1
Ms24 003 1
Ms24 004 1

Machining Options

The standard INDEX machine features a tool carrier arrangement in the work area without a sliding block, enabling the use of multiple tools on each spindle. This versatility allows for a wide range of machining operations limited only by the tool holder. Additionally, it provides the flexibility to specify all production steps in almost any spindle position, ensuring an unobstructed chip flow.

The MS24-6 multi-spindle automatic combines the maximum productivity and cost-effectiveness of multi-spindle machines with the precision and flexibility of CNC single-spindle automatics, contributing to its success.


Gear Cutting and Hobbing

  • Enhanced by electronic precision
  • Demanding stability requirements
  • Ensures proper tooth positioning relative to other surfaces or profiles
  • Capable of programming angular offsets
  • Prolongs tool service life through Y-axis shifting


  1. Milling with live tooling available in the following configurations:
  2. Side milling cutter in conjunction with C-axis operation (transmit function)
  3. End mill in conjunction with Y-axis mode
  4. Plunge milling

Holes elliptical deburring

  • Achieves uniform deburring, including effective chip removal, in cross-drill holes
  • Utilizes interpolation of the C-axis, X-axis, and Z-axis in combination with live tooling

Technical Data

Working Spindles  
Number max. 6
Bar capacity (mm) 24
Speed max. (rpm) 10,000
Power at 100% / 25% (kW) 8.7 / 15
Torque at 100% / 25% (Nm) 10 / 18
Synchronous Spindle  
Number max. 2
Bar capacity (mm) 24
Speed max. (rpm) 10,000
Power at 100% / 40% (kW) 9.2 / 14
Torque at 100% / 40% (Nm) 11 / 14
Slide Travel  
Slide travel Z (mm) 120
Number of tools for backworking 6
Tool Carrier  
Number max. 12
Slide travel X (mm) 62
Slide travel Y (mm) ± 13
Slide travel Z (mm) 85
Tool Carrier, Cutoff and Back-Boring Slide  
Number max. 2
Slide travel X (mm) 62
Number of tools for backworking 3 / 6
Dimensions, Weight, Connecting Power  
Weight (kg) 5,700
Connecting power (kW) 73
Length x width x height - long version (mm) 3,387 x 1,906 x 2,854
Slide travel X (mm) S840D sl
Multi-Touch Screen 18.5"

Documents and brochures

MS24_6 EN
3.76 MB

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