INDEX G200 - High-Performance Turn-Mill Center

The INDEX G200 offers unparalleled productivity in a compact design. With up to three tool carriers, simultaneous machining, and a dynamic milling spindle, it's ideal for comprehensive part and bar stock machining, providing exceptional freedom in a spacious work area


  • Utilize up to three tool carriers with Y-axis capabilities on both main and counter spindles.
  • Achieve simultaneous machining using up to four tools.
  • Experience the robust and dynamic milling spindle (360° B-axis, max. 7,200 rpm, 22 kW, and 52 Nm, HSK-A40).
  • Economically perform comprehensive machining of parts, bar stock, and chuck parts.
  • Benefit from unparalleled freedom in a spacious work area for turning-milling operations, offering up to 660 mm turning length.
  • Enjoy exceptional ergonomics for rapid setup.
  • Utilize the compact footprint and high power density for cost-effective manufacturing.
Csm Index G200 0002 Fec504b3a4
Csm Index G200 0003 A79d957a8f
Csm Index G200 0005 58b100c737
Index G200 0008

Flexible modular system

The G200 boasts exceptional rigidity, thermal and dynamic stability, and effective vibration-damping properties, ensuring the production of high-quality workpieces.

The robust milling spindle, combined with the Y/B-axis running on hydrodynamic bearings, facilitates complex drilling and milling operations efficiently and economically, eliminating the need for live tool holders.

Tailor the INDEX G200 turn-mill center to suit your specific workpiece requirements.

You can employ up to three tool carriers with Y-axis functionality and a maximum tool pool of 42 stations (VDI25) on both the main and counter spindles of the turn-mill center. The G200 configuration even allows for a tailstock or a turret steady with a clamping range of 10 to 66 mm.

Diverse range of machining options

Exceptionally high level of workspace versatility

Simultaneous machining using up to four tools

Continuous machining of elongated workpieces with turret 2 or turret 3 in the parked position.

Concurrent internal machining on the main and counter spindles

Prelucrare simultană cu trei scule pe axa principală sau axa secundară

Economic complete machining

End piece

  • Material:  44SMn28
  • Diameter:  39 mm
  • Length:  92 mm

Input shaft

  • Material: 100Cr6
  • Diameter: 26 mm
  • Length: 160 mm

Switching shaft

  • Material: 16MnCr5
  • Diameter: 60 mm
  • Length: 170 mm

INDEX iXtools

The additional magazine with up to 392 tool locations

The INDEX iXtools additional tool magazine provides an extension of the integrated tool magazine for your INDEX or TRAUB turn-mill center. It allows for multi-variant production with minimal setup for your complex workpieces. Depending on the machine type, up to 392 additional tools are available.

iXpanel - iX4.0 included

The cockpit for easy machine integration into your business organization.

With iXpanel, your staff always has all the relevant information for efficient production right at the turn-mill center G200. iXpanel integrates the latest SIEMENS S840D sl control generation, is already included in the standard, and can be individually extended.

Technical Data

Main spindle, counter spindle  
Turning length 660 mm
Bar capacity 65 mm
Chuck diameter 165 mm
Speed max. 6,000 rpm
Power at 100% / 40% 20 kW / 24 kW
Torque at 100% / 40% 125 Nm / 170 Nm
C axis resolution 0.001 degree
Slide travel X, rapid traverse, feed force 710 mm / 60 m/min / 6,000 N
Pressing force max. 5,500 N
Slide travel Z 845 mm
Turret upper / lower  
Speed max. 7,200 rpm
Power max. 9 kW
Torque max. 16 Nm
Milling spindle  
Tooling system HSK-A40
Speed max. 7,200 rpm
Torque at 25% 52 Nm
Power at 25 % 22 kW
Tool carrier 1  
Slide travel X, rapid traverse, feed force 230 mm / 30 m/min / 6,000 N
Slide travel Y, rapid traverse, feed force +/- 65 mm / 15 m/min / 10,000 N
Slide travel Z, rapid traverse, feed force 845 mm / 50 m/min / 6,000 N
Tool carrier 2  
Slide travel X, rapid traverse, feed force 140 mm / 30 m/min / 6,000 N
Slide travel Y, rapid traverse, feed force +/- 45 mm / 15 m/min / 10,000 N
Slide travel Z, rapid traverse, feed force 810 mm / 50 m/min / 6,000 N
Gantry-type removal unit  
Workpiece length max. 200 mm
Workpiece weight max. 5 kg
Dimensions, weight, connecting power  
Length x width x height - long version 5355 mm x 2235 mm x 2400 mm
Weight ca. 8,500 kg
Connecting power 42 kW
Siemens S840D sl Multi-Touch Screen 18.5"

Documents and brochures

G200 Brochure EN
3.48 MB

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