INDEX B400 - Universal lathe for precise and powerful machining

Machine highlights

  • Clearly structured and ergonomic work area concept
  • Rigid mineral cast bed in 45° monoblock design for high accuracy
  • Work spindle with belt drive for high torques
  • Bar capacity dia. 82 mm, chuck up to dia. 315 mm
  • Orthogonal, linear Y-axis for high accuracy
  • NC tailstock with electrically controlled axis
  • Already included: the operating system iXpanel i4.0 ready with 18.5” touch screen - based on Siemens S840D sl

B400 in focus

Csm B400 Innenansicht Revolver 0f774992eb
Csm B400 Perspektive Ohne Logo D2032b432a
Csm Index B400 002 14af7defdf
Csm B400 Innenansicht Revolver B49130c539

Structured Machine Architecture

The INDEX B400 stands as a rational extension of the tried-and-true manufacturing solutions found within the INDEX Group. Tailored to individual needs, this versatile universal lathe is suitable for both tooling and prototyping, as well as production. The wealth of knowledge accumulated over decades is manifested in various design elements, including a pocket in the panel above the main spindle that allows for the collision-free utilization of long boring bars

The components

Primary Spindle

  • Bar capacity: up to 82 mm in diameter; chuck: up to 315 mm in diameter
  • Maximum speed: 4,000 rpm
  • Spindle power: 24 kW (operating at 40% capacity)
  • Torque: 550 Nm (at 40% capacity)
  • Features a holding brake for axis indexing

Star Turret and Compound Slide/Disc Turret Setup

  • Houses 12 live tool stations
  • Equipped with VDI 30 as per DIN 69880 standards, featuring patented W-serration
  • Dimensions: X: 360 mm, Y: ±60 mm, Z: up to a maximum of 750 mm in turning length
  • Allows machining up to 70 mm below the turning center
  • Specifications: 6,000 rpm, 8.8 kW power, and 19.5 Nm torque (at 25% capacity)

NC Tailstock

  • Electronically positionable at any point
  • Features spacious roller guides
  • Electronically adjustable pressure force, with a maximum of 10,000 N
  • Available with either MK 5 or SK 30 cone center

Counter Spindle

  • Spindle clearance: up to 65 mm in diameter; chuck: up to 175 mm in diameter
  • Maximum speed: 4,000 rpm
  • Spindle power: 12 kW (operating at a 40% duty cycle)
  • Torque: 119 Nm (at a 40% duty cycle)
  • Equipped with a holding brake for axis indexing

User-friendly ergonomic design

The expansive work zone guarantees optimal accessibility for setting up the INDEX B400. Both the main spindle and the tool turret are easily reachable, facilitating swift and adaptable setup and transitions. The advanced design of the work area, featuring steeply sloped and sleek covers, fosters the perfect environment for chip flow, avoiding the formation of chip nests.


  • Quick setup
  • Outstanding access to the work area
  • Efficient chip flow

The W-serration

The patented INDEX W-serration ensures high precision during tool changes and repeated usage.


  • Reduced tooling/setting-up times
  • High precision during changes thanks to long fixing grooves
  • Prolonged lifespan of cutting inserts
  • Compatible with DIN 69880
  • Applicable for both stationary and live tools

Ideal for a wide range of parts

With the universal turning machine B400, it is possible to machine a wide variety of workpieces from bars up to dia. 82 mm and in the chuck up to dia. 315 mm.


Ø 65 x 400 mm


Ø 250 x 230 mm


Ø 78 mm

iXpanel i4.0ready included

The iXpanel operating concept provides access to networked production. With iXpanel, your staff always has all relevant information for efficient production. iXpanel is already included in the standard and can be individually extended. You can use iXpanel as you want it for your business organization – that’s Industry 4.0 tailored to your needs.

Technical data

Working area  
Turning length mm 750
Main spindle  
Bar capacity mm 82
Chuck diameter mm 315
Speed max. rpm 4,000
Power at 100% / 40% kW 16 / 24
Torque at 100% / 40% Nm 375 / 550
Counter spindle  
Bar capacity mm 65
Chuck diameter mm 175
Speed max. rpm 4,000
Torque at 100% / 40% Nm 79 / 119
Power at 100% / 40% kW 8 / 12
Feed force Z N 10,000
Rapid traverse Z m/min 8.5
Star turret VDI30  
Number of stations 12
Speed max. rpm 6,000
Power at 25% kW 8.8
Torque at 25% Nm 19.5
Slide travel X mm / m/min / N 360 / 40 / 11,900
Slide travel Y mm / m/min / N ±60 / 20 / 11,700
Slide travel Z mm / m/min / N 750 / 40 / 11,900
Star turret VDI40  
Number of stations 12
Speed max. rpm 5,400
Power at 25% kW 10.5
Torque at 25% Nm 37
Slide travel X mm / m/min / N 360 / 40 / 11,900
Slide travel Y mm / m/min / N ±60 / 20 / 11,700
Slide travel Z mm / m/min / N 750 / 40 / 11,900
Disc turret VDI40  
Number of stations 12
Speed max. rpm 5,400
Power at 25% kW 10.5
Torque at 25% Nm 37
Slide travel X mm / m/min / N 360 / 40 / 11,900
Slide travel Y mm / m/min / N ±60 / 20 / 11,700
Slide travel Z mm / m/min / N 750 / 40 / 11,900
Dimensions, weight, connecting power  
Length x width x height mm 3,251 x 1,900 x 2,290
Weight kg 7,800
Connecting power kW 40
Siemens S840D sl
Multi-Touch Screen 18.5"

Documents and brochures

B400, B500 - Universal lathes for precise and powerful cutting
5.52 MB

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