Grob G750: Premier 5-Axis Universal Machining Center for Large-Scale Milling


G750: 5-Axis Universal Machining Center

The G750 provides superior performance in industrial manufacturing for the milling of large components. This machining center excels with nearly all materials, offering exceptional versatility across multiple industries.


  • Elevated Productivity
  • Enhanced Availability
  • Improved Visibility
  • Adaptable for Various Applications
  • Easy to Maintain
  • Space-Saving Design
  • Access Made Easier
  • Continuous Service Support

Technical Data

Working travels 1,000/1,100/1,175 in X-/Y-/Z-axis (mm)
Max. speeds 60/50/75 in X-/Y-/Z-axis (m/min)
Interference diameter 1,280 (mm)
Chip-to-chip time t1 3.3 according to VDI 2852 (s) relative to speed (rpm)
Positioning accuracy 0.006 in X-/Y-/Z-axis (mm)
Table diameter 950 (mm)
Table load 1,000/1,500 with/without pallet (kg)
Total weight 34,500/40,500 without/with  pallet changer (kg)
Tool length for double disk-type tool magazine 400/650 HSK-A63 (front/back) (mm)

Automation solutions

Pallet changer

Customer-Specific Automation Solution

Unique Concept 

  • Horizontal spindle positioning
  • Axis configuration
  • Overhead machining capability
  • Drive system design
  • Enhanced stability
  • Extensive swivel range
  • Tunnel concept

Spindle versions

Motorized spindle versions

  • HSK-E40, 17.4 Nm, 42,000 rpm
  • HSK-A63, 82.8 Nm, 12,000 rpm
  • HSK-A63, 206 Nm, 16,000 rpm
  • HSK-A63, 46.6 Nm, 21,000 rpm
  • HSK-A63, 63 Nm, 30,000 rpm

GROB Spindle Diagnostics (GSD)

GROB spindle diagnostics is an automated system that monitors the condition of the motorized spindle. Benefits include extending the useful life of the motorized spindle, reducing tool wear, and scheduling maintenance.

GROB Chip-in-Spindle Detection System (SiS)

This system can identify tool clamping issues caused by chips between the mating surfaces and the spindle nose from 10 μm early on.

Motorized spindle with cross-feed

The motorized spindle from GROB, featuring cross-feed functionality, enables the creation of intricate internal and external shapes using tools that can be precisely controlled.

Tilting rotary tables A-/B-axis

Tilting rotary tables A-/B-axis

Select from tilting rotary tables featuring T-grooves arranged in parallel (standard) or those with a pallet clamping system (optional). Alongside the standard A- and B-axis versions, the G150 also offers "A-axis" (without B-axis) and "B-axis" (without A-axis) options.


Francis turbine wheel

Aluminium part

Mold insert

Software options

GSC Advanced (swivel axis calibration)

Grob kinematics set

Interpolation turning PLUS

Gear hobbing

Gear Skiving

Energy efficiency package

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