Grob G440 | G640 | G840- 4 axis Universal Machinine Series



G440 | G640 | G840 4-axis universal machine series 

The 4-axis universal machining centers G440, G640 and G840 offer our customers a heavy-duty machine series, which at the same time guarantees robust and also optimal, dynamic processes. High productivity, reliable components and a unique loadability characterize the 4-axis machine series. Thanks to extensive configuration options, our machining centers can be perfectly matched to the requirements of your production.

Technical data


Working dimensions: 800/800/800 in X-/Y-/Z-axis (mm)

Max. velocities (max.): 70/60/60 in X-/Y-/Z-axis (m/min)

Interference diameter: 800 (mm)

Pallet dimensions: 500 x 500 (mm)


Travel distances: 1,050/800/1,050 in X-/Y-/Z-axis (mm)

Maximum speeds (max.): 70/60/60 in X-/Y-/Z-axis (m/min)

Interference diameter: 1,050 (mm)

Pallet size: 630 x 630 (mm).


Working travels: 1,400/1,200/1,400 along the X-/Y-/Z-axes (mm)

Max. speeds (maximum): 50/50/50 along the X-/Y-/Z-axes (m/min)

Interference diameter: 1,400 (mm)

Pallet size: 800 x 800 (mm)


  • Enhanced productivity
  • Improved availability
  • Ultimate flexibility with pallet changer weight loading
  • Easily maintainable
  • Versatile applications
  • Superior stability for extensive volume machining
  • Enhanced accessibility


Topology optimization

Motorized spindles

Drive concept

Maximum stability

Efficient machine cooling

Machine control system

Work area

Tool magazine

Chip conveyor

Cutting fluid system

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