FavoritCNC - Precision Cylindrical Grinding Machine for Medium-Sized Workpieces


The FavoritCNC serves as a versatile universal cylindrical grinding machine for medium-sized workpieces, with center distances of 650mm (25.6") / 1000mm (40") and a center height of 175mm (6.8"). It can handle workpieces weighing up to 80kg (176lbs) / 120kg (264lbs). This adaptable machine can easily accommodate various grinding tasks through accessory kits like in-process gauging, balancing systems, contact detection, and length positioning. Built upon the robust Granitan® S103 machine base, it ensures precision, performance, and reliability over many years. The full enclosure provides an optimal view of the grinding process.


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Produktbild Studer Favoritcnc Innenschleifvorrichtung

Hardware / Software


  • Equipped with a turret wheelhead featuring a grinding wheel on the right side and an optional internal grinding attachment, which can be manually swiveled at 2.5° using Hirth indexing.
  • Allows for both external and internal grinding in a single clamping.
  • Built on a sturdy machine base made of Granitan® S103 mineral casting material, ensuring structural integrity and compliance with CE standards.


  • Offers incredibly straightforward programming through StuderPictogramming.
  • Optionally provides the StuderGRIND programming software, allowing users to create grinding and dressing programs externally on a computer.

Technical Data

Distance between centers 650mm (25.6")

Linear Axes  
Max. Travel X 285 mm
Max. Travel Speed X 10,000 mm/min
Max. Travel Z 800 mm
Max. Travel Speed Z 20,000 mm/min
Spindle drive  
Max. Spindle Power 9 kW
Max. Number Of Revolutions 2,810 /min
Max. Grinding Wheel Diameter 508 mm
Max. Grinding Wheel Width 80 mm
Swiveling Axes  
Swiveling Range B 210 °
Swiveling Range C ∞ °
Workpiece Data  
Workpiece Length 680 mm
Workpiece Diameter 349 mm
Max. Workpiece Weight 80 kg
Distance Between Centers 650 mm
Center Height 175 mm

Distance between centers 1000mm (40")

Linear Axes  
Max. Travel X 285 mm
Max. Travel Speed X 10,000 mm/min
Max. Travel Z 1,150 mm
Max. Travel Speed Z 20,000 mm/min
Spindle drive  
Max. Spindle Power 9 kW
Max. Number Of Revolutions 2,810 /min
Max. Grinding Wheel Diameter 508 mm
Max. Grinding Wheel Width 80 mm
Swiveling Axes  
Swiveling Range B 210 °
Swiveling Range C ∞ °
Workpiece Data  
Workpiece Length 1,030 mm
Workpiece Diameter 349 mm
Max. Workpiece Weight 120 kg
Distance Between Centers 1,000 mm
Center Height 175 mm

Documents and brochures

FavoritCNC En
9.14 MB

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