Our grades of carbide
Featuring submicron grains with 6% Co, this versatile grade is suitable for machining non-ferrous metals, aluminum, copper, porcelain, plastics, cast iron, low hardness steel, and fiber-reinforced materials. It boasts high wear resistance and is ideal for diamond coating.
Featuring submicron grain with 7.5% Co content, is a versatile carbide grade suitable for machining non-ferrous metals like aluminum, copper, plastics, as well as various cast materials and steels with hardness ranging between 45 to 65 HRc. It is utilized in milling tools, drill thread milling cutters of ISO group H, and in forming technology for drawing tools for steel materials, dies for non-ferrous metals, punches for cold forming, and calibration dies.
Featuring submicron grains and 10% Co content, is a submicron-grade carbide known for its robust impact strength and TRS. It's ideal for machining non-ferrous metals, nickel alloys, as well as hardened, alloyed, cast, and stainless steel. This main submicron grade finds extensive application in rotating and solid carbide tools.
Featuring submicron grains with 12% Co content, it delivers exceptional cutting edge strength due to its extremely high fracture toughness. This ensures prolonged tool life during rough milling of tough materials like Inconel 718, high-carbide steel, or titanium alloys.
With a fine grain and 9% Co content, offers exceptional cutting edge strength and wear resistance, along with high temperature resistance. It is mainly used for rough milling or drilling of highly machinable materials. Additionally, it is well-suited for various applications such as dies, punches for fine blanking, powder pressing tools, and mandrels.
With a fine grain structure and 12% Co content, boasts outstanding TRS (Tensile Strength) along with high fracture toughness, making it particularly suitable for challenging machining tasks, including interrupted cutting operations. Additionally, it is well-suited for steel forming tools and manufacturing tool components.
EMT609, featuring an ultrafine grain structure with 9% Co content, excels in milling hardened steel >50HRC, high-speed cutting for mold constructions, wear-resistant tools for micromechanics, and machining of new composite materials.
With an ultrafine grain structure and 12% Co content, offers a crucial advantage with its strong impact resistance, high hardness, and impressive TRS. It's ideal for machining materials hardened up to 64HRC, mold constructions, and machining titanium alloys and highly alloyed steels.
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